Good Shepherd Catholic Parish in Denver

A nonprofit organization

A community of disciples that is 

Called, Formed & Sent

We have been serving the Congress Park neighborhood for over one hundred years and currently celebrate mass in our third Church, dedicated in 1953. We seek to help each other and all whom we serve to hear God’s voice in the midst of our world. We are dedicated to the formation of our parishioners, no matter what age or walk of life, so that God’s Word may grow in our lives. Formed by God’s Word and touched by God’s love, we also seek to bring that love to our world. We invite you to join us today at the corner of 7th St. and Elizabeth St., our parish home.

All that we have is a blessing from God. From what we have received we are called to give so that we might learn generosity and so that the needs of the community might be met. From the earliest days of Christianity, recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, it is noted: “For there was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of the apostles and they were distributed to each according to their need.” Acts 4:34-35.

Stewardship is our way of joining together in the common work of our parish community. See all the ways to financially support Good Shepherd Parish and our outreach below.

Contact the Parish Office to arrange the delivery of Sunday collection envelopes for your offering.




We are here to be a particular community where people:

• Encounter Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the Gospel

• Are invited into a relationship with Jesus Christ

• Are formed in the knowledge and love of Christ

• Are sent to serve Christ in the poor and marginalized

• Continue Christ’s mission of bringing other into relationship with the Father

Background Statement

Good Shepherd proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ to build up a community of love, to celebrate the liturgies of praise and thanksgiving, and to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ.

Organization Data


Organization name

Good Shepherd Catholic Parish in Denver

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)





2626 E 7TH AVE
DENVER, CO 80206

Service areas

Denver, CO, US


303 261 1029

Social Media