Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center

A nonprofit organization


"The Arts and Events Center has quickly become a pillar of our community. A place for people to share their experiences, either through the art works of local artists, enjoying the musical talents of various neighboring and national musicians, and participating in a large selection of various classes. The Center supports other local non-profits by providing space for various events. The dedication of all the volunteers is clearly visible to anyone who is lucky enough to attend an event at the Center." Bruce Joss

"The Grand Mesa Art & Event Center has become a mainstay of our community in only 5 short years. Not only does it bring us excellent, affordable entertainment and exposure to wonderful local art, but it serves community needs in many other ways.
It provides classes in art, dance, exercise and many activities for our youth. It gets them interested and involved. This is especially important for a rural community such as ours.
The operation of the center depends upon hours of volunteer work. Not only the beautiful refurbishment but the continued inspired operation of the facility, has been made possible through the benefice of our dedicated citizens.
Any funds given to the Grand Mesa Art and Event Center to complete the building purchase would help to insure that this much needed treasure continues enhancing and benefiting our community." Marv & Jude Kieca

"The Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center is part of the fabric of the Cedaredge community. As a contributing writer for the Delta County Independent newspaper (DCI), Don has been intimately involved in the evolution of the Center. He covered early stages of the Center's development. When 120 intrepid arts enthusiasts braved a chilly night to assemble in the town's community center building on November 17, 2017, Don covered the event. The crowd was there to get a "sneak-peak" at plans for the Center. Local musicians performed, local artists displayed their work, and members of the planning committee shared their vision. The enthusiasm was contagious. Articles and photos followed documenting steady phases of construction with community members pitching in to build and shape, paint and mold, the Center into a reality. Don covered the Center's grand opening and its meteoric first year of existence. He served on the Center's first volunteer cleaning crew and he and his future wife, Donna Marie Woods, joined a host of others to support successful events ranging from live music and theatre to art exhibits and classes; from community forums and informative lectures to films, movement classes, dances, and book launches. Now the Center is poised to achieve the newest chapter of its creative life. A Capital Campaign is underway to raise funds to purchase the venue's historic building. As supporters and patrons of the arts, we urge our fellow citizens to support this important campaign." Don & Donna Marie Benjamin


Enhancing the quality of life and inspiring our communities through visual and performing arts, education and advocacy.

Background Statement

Housed in an historic 1904 building that has served over the years as a general store, a bank, a movie theater, an auto repair garage, an insulation company, a health food store, and a salon and spa, the arts center was first envisioned when a veteran of Applefest performances and his wife were on tour.

David Starr is a singer songwriter and Nashville recording artist who operates Starr's Guitars in downtown Cedaredge. David is often on the road performing around the nation and overseas, and Cindy, his wife, regularly accompanies him. One evening after a successful concert in a distant community venue, Cindy raised the question to her husband, "Why can't we have a place like this in Cedaredge?" When Cindy returned to Cedaredge, she posed this same question to other community members and soon a group of art's enthusiasts began meeting with the goal of establishing a local performance and art's venue.

By September 2017, citizens had organized themselves into a board of directors and an advisory council. A non-profit 501c3 was established and the site of the historic building at 195 W Main was selected. Renovations and fund-raising commenced. A multitude of community members donated money and soon major donors stepped forward with sizeable contributions. Among those providing major influxes of cash and in-kind gifts were the Bank of Colorado, Alpine Bank, the Delta-Montrose Electric Association, The Starr's Family Foundation, Perry and Terry Hotz, Tom and Sue Beachman, and Dennis and Sherry White.

Mark Fairchild served as the project's builder and local residents Lynn Grotian and Dan Skelton volunteered to paint the entire interior. A team of local artisans designed the center's stained-glass window, over the entry door, using materials donated by the community. Other craftsmen donated uniquely decorated doors, lighting scones, and the building's exterior signs.

The outpouring of community support overwhelmed Deborah Shaffer who served as the center's executive director. "A lot of talented people stepped up to make this dream a reality," she said. "This collaborative effort has filled a need that has long been recognized by our citizens and our many visitors."

The Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center held its grand opening on June 15, 2018 less than a year after the community had launched its adventure into supporting the arts. When the Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center opened its doors, a group of over 200 volunteers committed their time, talent, and energy to man the gallery, the events, plan and prepare fundraising events, educational activities, and keep the Center relevant.

Organization Data


Organization name

Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Arts, Culture & Humanities

Organization Size

Medium Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Enterprise Zone Credit


195 W Main St
Cedaredge, CO 81413


PO Box 583
Cedaredge, CO 81413

Service areas

Delta County, CO, US





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