Guided By Humanity

A nonprofit organization

$8,227 raised by 57 donors

55% complete

$15,000 Goal


“My spirit feels like the SUN

My mind feels like the STARS 

My body feels like the MOON, cool and calm.  ~Paul, All Abilities Sangha Member” 

"I wanted to share with you that since I have joined your sessions at GBH my hip pain has been reduced by 30%.  This is no way means that I don't need to follow up with traditional medical treatment but I wanted to let you know the movements and the use of many muscles I probably don't use very often are helping curb the pain in my hip. Keep up the great work!" ~Jamie Lewis, Adaptive Student 

"For the past 2 years, Mrs. Rachel has been coming to our classroom to teach our students yoga. The moment Mrs. Rachel walks into our room, our students light up with excitement knowing that they are about to have a fun experience! The growth our students have shown in yoga, throughout the past years, has been more than any other subject in our classroom. They are able work on their physical mobility, play instruments, work on rhythm, collaborate with others doing poses, and sing as a group. The positivity Mrs. Rachel brings to our classroom is uplifting to all those who are around her. The smiles and laughter that radiate throughout the room fill the souls of every individual in the session." ~Mr. Jordan, Conservatory Green High School 

"To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Rebecca Smigelski, and I am honored to serve as the Center Program Lead (special education teacher) for the Multi-Intensive/Severe Center Program at DSST: Conservatory Green High School in Denver, Colorado. I have held this position for four years and have a total of six years of experience in education as a special education teacher.

Our program currently students who have qualifying disabilities, including multiple disabilities, intellectual disabilities, speech and language disabilities, hearing impairments, vision impairments, orthopedic impairments, and autism. Among our students, seven are non-ambulatory and utilize manual wheelchairs, while eight are non-verbal and rely on Augmentative Assistive Communication (AAC) devices for communication.

Given the complex needs of our students, activities such as yoga have previously appeared inaccessible. However, Ms. Rachel from Guided By Humanity has been conducting yoga sessions in our class bi-weekly for the past three years. The impact of these sessions has been truly life-changing for our students. They are able to participate in yoga in a way that accommodates their individual needs, moving out of their wheelchairs and engaging with the practice.

Yoga provides essential physical movement while also fostering a sense of purpose and joy. Our students light up during yoga transitions, and they engage in ways that have exceeded my expectations. Adaptive yoga has genuinely transformed their experiences and capabilities.

I could elaborate extensively on the positive outcomes of Adaptive Yoga with Guided By Humanity, but I will conclude with a testament to its significance: this school year, we transitioned from bi-weekly to weekly yoga sessions. The benefits that adaptive yoga brings to our students make it impossible to limit these sessions to just once every two weeks.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my testimony." 


Our mission at Guided by Humanity is to improve health through prevention, focusing on the physical and mental health of individuals with disabilities.

Background Statement

Guided By Humanity operates under the mission of filling in the gap, that is, acknowledging and seeking to remediate health disparities experienced by individuals who face challenges in accessing meaningful wellness programming through prevention measures.

Using the principles of trauma informed yoga along with the teachings of Basil Van Der Kolk, Peter Levine, Dr. David Treleaven, Dr. Bruce Perry, Jivana Heyman, Matthew Sanford, Marsha Danzig, and other Yoga Teachers who specialize in providing supportive and adaptive wellness practices, Guided By Humanity has created classes and programs that nurture an entire community- “everyBODY and everyABILITY.”

Guided By Humanity is aware that the disability community experiences a higher rate of abuse, neglect and complex trauma due to deep and historical disadvantages and has developed programs and teaching methods to provide our students and community with wellness practices that foster a sense of wholeness and belonging while promoting autonomy and self-confidence.

Organization Data


Organization name

Guided By Humanity

other names

Peace & Humanity Smoothie Bus

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Health Care

Organization Size

Medium Organization


3496 S Broadway
Englewood, CO 80113

Colorado Location

441 Wadsworth
Lakewood, CO 80226

Service areas

Arapahoe County, CO, US

Denver, CO, US



Social Media