We provide homeless families and their children with safe, secure and supportive housing with programs designed to help them progress towards a better tomorrow. Our Early Childhood and Child Development programs help children of homeless families avoid a future of homelessness and poverty.
Testimonial from recent graduate of the haven house program;
If you live in and love Montrose County I hope you will read this and share. I wanted to give a little of my testimony about Haven House. I have an advanced education and a very professional background. But a couple years ago I found myself in a position where I had nowhere to go. No family. And came to Haven House.
It's a beautiful home for more than 50 people along with up to 30 children who just need a little help to break cycles and find their way back home.
During my 1.5 years at Haven House I had a moment to breathe and to find myself again. Upon leaving I was generously offered a contract to write grants (my profession) and to continue my relationship with the program which I happily accepted.
I again have a home, am financially stable and working full time to support my family and contribute positively to our community.
Local Teenagers (the football captain and a friend) who mentored Haven House children. Imagine yourself as a teen, moving to a new town, not knowing anyone and having to start a new school. On top of that add the stigma of being homeless. This is a tall order for any teen to handle.
But these brothers, Sky and Josh Waterbury (left) saw it differently. They got acquainted with the Haven House teens this summer and invited them to hang out and attend their functions with them. Their friend Caleb Ayers (right) got on board and they shared many summer days doing what needed to be done…..the work of making someone feel welcome.
Testimonial for a Graduate - List the changes you made while living at Haven House
• Stopped smoking
• Got custody back my my children
• Opportunity to hide from my father
• Saved some money
• Was able to put my attitude wall down and make friends
A Graduate - from MILLIES FACEBOOK PAGE - My 3 kids and I fled from an abusive man who beat us down with words and violence. At Haven House the healing process began. It was not easy to go from a hermit status to a community of strangers. But it helped my son to manage his anger, to accept responsibility for his actions and apologize. With help my 11 year old went from K level in reading and math to 3rd grade in 11 months and to make friends. It helped me to find myself, giving me chores to do when I just wanted to hide, I received counseling from an Awesome man, Dr. Spor, helped me find God again and gave me some amazing people I am proud to call my friends. I will never forget the Haven House.
THE RYSERS, Vanessa, Madison & River - Haven House opened its doors to me and my family when I needed help so badly; I was stuck in a hopeless state. When I arrived I trusted no one and had only 2 bags of old cloths, did not have my kids, and was sleeping outside. As each day went by I began to gain confidence that this life could be mine. With help from staff, I began working towards goals, cleaned up court issues, gained custody of my kids, completed therapy for my PTSD, began to volunteer, got my drivers license, started a garden and began a home cleaning service. I thank Haven House for all that I accomplished and a special thanks for impacting my kids lives; it has a special a special place in their hearts. Much love, the Rysers.
We benefited from having "routines and a safe place" and "learning more to be responsible and getting my family back".
Testimonial from a volunteer at Christ Kitchen (a soup kitchen)
I was volunteering at the Kitchen today because Jeremiah was out of town, the kids came in from HH and they behaved beautifully! We so enjoyed them, and they pitched in and cleared tables and wanted to help out!!
I got my "grandma fix" with the 1 year old baby, so precious! Please know you are all welcome any time!! ~sharynB
My name is Matthew Kurr, I came to the Haven House almost two years ago not because I wanted to but because i didn't have any where else to go, and in order to have my children returned to my custody I had to have a place to live. I came here with a bit of a chip on my shoulder, thinking that i only wanted to be here for a short time, get a job and get out. I didn't want to deal with the enrichment programs, or the chores or anything else that came along with being here. After a few months of being here i started to realize that things were not going to be as easy as get in and get out and start life, and also started thinking about how I had been here once before and didn't want to come back, but yet here i was...