The "I Love U Guys" Foundation was created to restore and protect the joy of youth through educational programs and positive actions in collaboration with families, schools, communities, organizations and government entities.
"We were trained in Incident Command through FEMA, but found the way things were presented to be intimidating and militaristic.
... planning on implementing the SRP this coming school year. We like that it aligns with the ICS, but is in more user friendly, school friendly terms."
Kathy Friesen, Principal of Galeton Elementary School
"I think every School Board should see the presentation on the Standard Response Protocol. It's the best resource I've seen for explaining why this type of training is necessary and how it can be done."
- Tom Wiens, Former Colorado Senator, author of Colorado Senate Bill 181
"The Standard Response Protocol is fabulous. Simple but effective and easy to teach students, staff and teachers."
- Frank DeAngelis, Principal of Columbine High School
"I have been involved in school safety for my entire career, and have attended many different trainings on all aspects of school safety. This presentation is a must see for anyone that cares for, or who has the responsibility for, the safety of children while they attend school."
- Patrick Kissane, Detective Sergeant, Fort Lee New Jersey Police Department, NJASRO-Founder, 2nd Vice President