Be INspired to INvest in INclusion today!
Thank you for supporting our mission! Your support allows IN! to create college opportunities for students with intellectual disability. We are INspired by students, believe in INclusion, and are INvested in expanding college opportunities.
When you give to IN!, you support our commitment to provide:
Expansion: IN! is actively working to create inclusive college opportunities for individuals with ID statewide.
Education and Outreach: IN! provides resources to students, families, and educators so they can start preparing for college.
Student Success: IN! supports current inclusive higher education (IHE) programs with technical assistance, guidance or program design, and tracking outcomes of students and graduates.
"[My peers] included me as one of them, not just as someone different." - Student
"The bar has been set high, and the students have risen and reached it! They have been presumed competent and their lives changed."
- Graduate Parent