Organization name
Independence Institute
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy
Organization Size
Large Organization
727 E. 16th AveDenver, CO 80203
$142,124 raised by 283 donors
100% complete
$100,000 Goal
Since 1985, II has provided research resulting in changes in law and policy. We put our ideas into action through litigation, coalition building, ballot initiatives, new media and investigative reporting. We fight for freedom on paper, in the statehouse, in the media, and on the ballot.
"The Independence Institute is the best state think tank in America," said the Heritage Foundation's Stephen Moore, formerly of The Wall Street Journal.
"The Independence Institute's Second Amendment Project has "single-handedly...changed the gun debate in the United States." John Fund, national affairs columnist for National Review Online and senior editor at The American Spectator
"The Independence Institute, an organization I've worked with and admired for many years, has a revolutionary model to turn the tide in favor of freedom here in Colorado for years to come"
Dick Wadhams, political consultant and strategist
"In the past, the Independence Institute has been instrumental in defending Colorado taxpayers like you and me, protecting your right to defend yourself and your family, and advancing choice in education. Today, they are leading the charge on every major policy front." Hank Brown, former United States Senator
The mission of the Independence Institute is to empower individuals and to educate citizens, legislators and opinion makers about public policies that enhance personal and economic freedom.
Founded in 1985, the Independence Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit, free market think tank that educates citizens, legislators and opinion makers about public policies that enhance personal and economic freedom.
Our researchers and scholars focus on issues such as the Second Amendment, Education, Energy, Healthcare, Constitution, Fiscal Policy, Local Government, and Transportation Policy. The Independence Institute has more than 30 expert contributors and direct access to media outlets including websites, newspapers, radio and television. The Institute is the most influential free market proponent of reform in education, taxation, transportation, growth policies, and civil liberties in the Rocky Mountain West.
Our goal is to bring forth ideas that improve the quality of life for all Colorado citizens.
Visit us on the web at
Organization name
Independence Institute
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy
Organization Size
Large Organization
727 E. 16th AveCO, US