Do you remember the first musical experience that changed you? At Inside the Orchestra, we like to dream big and make magic for kids. And every dollar given does just that – makes magical, musical memories for kids in schools, homes, and venues around Denver, around Colorado, and around the world.
At Inside the Orchestra, we are committed to ensuring that our world-class programs instill a sense of belonging. Not only are all children welcome, but at Inside the Orchestra, every child belongs. And every child is invited to experience world-class orchestral programming in their authentic way. We respect the children we serve.
Thanks to people like you, we are providing engaging, professional orchestra programming for more than 10,000 people in our community each year, including many students from under-resourced schools around the metro area. We are absolutely committed to ensuring that ticket prices are never a barrier to participation through our free and discounted ticket project – The Overture Outreach Project.
The Overture Outreach Ticket Project - provides free and discounted tickets to families and schools. This year we will provide more than 1,400 tickets at reduced-price rates (or entirely free) through the Overture Project. And this is on top of our already discounted ticket prices - your tickets to Tiny Tots cover only 52% of our costs. We utilize funds from grants, sponsorships, and revenue from the sales taxes collected from the SCFD to offset costs. But it’s not enough, we need your support.