Journey with Equus Horse Rescue & Sanctuary

A nonprofit organization

$67,970 raised by 373 donors

34% complete

$200,000 Goal

Liberty’s Legacy Inc. Dba Journey with Equus

We are passionate about saving the lives of horses, mules, and donkeys. 

We are a bit different than the mainstream equine rescues.  We focus on the misfits. 

These are the sweet souls that would otherwise be forgotten, forsaken, abandoned, euthanized or sent to slaughter.

These are the sweet, sentient souls that someone deemed  no longer valuable, due to injury, health issues, or mental issues

 which, they believe, makes them a danger to people and unfit for rehoming.

We believe every life deserves sanctuary and a second chance. 

We take these special creatures in and help them heal.   We give them the time, peace, compassion, and love that they deserve. 

Over time, each individual horse, mule, pony and donkey will reveal to us the next step in their journey.

Some will be placed into wonderful forever homes,  

some will simply retire with us and never fear being abandoned or abused again. 

Some will go on to use their special gifts to help people heal emotional traumas through the horse-human connection, 

consequently providing sanctuary and a second chance for humans. 

Journey with Equus

"Where Healing Begins"

We are blessed to do what we do, 

Made possible due to the amazing support of the public.

Liberty's Legacy Inc. dba Journey with Equus is an approved 501c3 Non Profit Organization Tax Id 47-487898

Giving Activity


To raise awareness around the gifts that equines have to give outside of being ridden

To build a compassionate, caring organization that is driven to help save the lives of at risk equines and change the lives of people.

Through healing, horses and humans are able to embrace and share their gifts with the world. We raise awareness to the gifts horses have to share outside of being ridden. People are equipped to unpack their baggage, heal and move towards a positive future. They are then emboldened to step into their truth, claim their power and shine their light out into the world - thus becoming an inspiration for others to do the same. We are creating a ripple effect, through which we can start to help heal the world one life at a time. We focus on bringing people and horses together under one organization and our JWE (Journey with Equus) community commits to having impact, living a legacy and changing lives, so that we leave the world a better place than we found it.

Background Statement

Founded in 2015, by Candice Ensign. and officially named a 501(3)c non profit organization in 2015,

Journey with Equus started out as a traditional rescue, with focus on helping abandoned and at risk horses rehabilitate and find homes. What showed up was a need for the horses that were not a fit for rehoming to have a safe place to land and get a second chance.

The Founders childhood and young adult experiences with horses profoundly influenced her mission for the organization. Her love for these majestic creatures and her background in coaching sparked an innovative idea, the idea of helping the horses who are not rideable, rehabilitate and then partner with human coaches to help those in need.

Today Journey with Equus continues to focus on the unhomable, and is continually building programs to help people heal, rediscover themselves and move towards a brighter future.

Located on the beautiful 120 acres sanctuary know as Raison d’Etre, in Elizabeth CO

Journey with Equus is where healing begins

Organization Data


Organization name

Journey with Equus Horse Rescue & Sanctuary

other names

Journey with Equus

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Animal-Related, Human Services

Organization Size

Medium Organization


2470 Driftwood Circle
Elizabeth, CO 80107-8708

Service areas

Parker, CO, US

Castle Rock, CO, US

Elizabeth, CO, US, 80107

Denver, CO, US

Aurora, CO, US



Social Media