Background Statement
The LFVC formed in 2010, when the Lake Fork Land Trust, established in 1998, merged with the Lake Fork Watershed Stakeholders, a group dedicated to the valley's waters since 2002. The Conservancy's work continues and builds upon reclamation, conservation, restoration, and education projects begun by the founding two.
Since 2010 the Lake Fork Valley Conservancy has successfully conserved over 170 acres of significant wetlands at Lake San Cristobal, established a successful community garden, partnered to clean up mine site contaminated with heavy metals, monitored water quality to assess post reclamation improvements, and conducted outreach events and educational programs to educate our citizenry. We have completed Phase I of a river enhancement project through the town of Lake City and are now seeking funding to complete the project. This project will improve our river habitat, stabilize banks, and promote diverse river based recreation in our area.