La Puente Home, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

The San Luis Valley has some of the highest poverty in the state. We are the only nonprofit providing a network of services to address the neediest among us, including children, families, homeless. We provide shelter, housing, access to food, crisis prevention (rent, electrical, heating, etc.) assistance, and more.


"During my early days I doubted myself. I didn't set my goals high enough. Every step of the way I was thrust into jobs that at first I didn't think I could do. I know now the importance of seeking your goals and always setting them high."
- Bill, Adelante Client

"I had the privilege and opportunity to work with a volunteer maintenance crew. I thought about what I could say that would describe the experience I shared with those men. After a long time of thinking, I came up with two words in Spanish: La Luz. In English, they mean "the light." It seems to me La Puente has a way of creating a kind of light in the lives of all those who come here."
- Alvin, Community Volunteer

"My favorite thing about PALS is.... being here!"
- Jadyn, PALS Child

"Now, I can dream about my future."
- Magdalena, Shelter Guest


La Puente is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving Colorado's San Luis Valley by providing food, shelter, and advocacy for the homeless and community members in crisis. La Puente endeavors to meet immediate needs and to empower people to live independently with dignity.

Background Statement

A group of citizens in Alamosa, Colorado, who were concerned about homelessness, hunger, and poverty in Colorado's San Luis Valley, established La Puente in 1982. Today a diverse community of volunteers contributes thousands of hours of service in support of La Puente Home's mission, continuing the work that began over 30 years ago.

Our residents are isolated by endemic poverty, mountainous terrain, and a large geographic expanse, La Puente was started to keep people from freezing to death in our harsh winters. However, over time and with experience, La Puente recognized that the needs of the homeless and poor were more complex. Throughout the late 1980s and the 1990s La Puente Home expanded to provide a variety of services needed by the San Luis Valley community.

Since 2000, the organization has doubled the size of the shelter in order to serve the increasing needs of the growing community. Today La Puente is a multi-faceted organization comprised of a dedicated staff and numerous full-time volunteers that devote a full year service to the mission of La Puente.

The rural isolation and poverty that exists in the San Luis Valley make it difficult to acquire and maintain ongoing financial support (especially general operating) to provide critical human services. La Puente Enterprises, which includes three thrift stores, a coffee shop, and an antique boutique, generate earned income that help support La Puente services providing job training and employment for the homeless and low-income community residents.

By The Numbers:

In 2022, the community shelter afforded 4,995 nights lodging for 185 unduplicated individuals, distributed 843 hygiene kits, and served 22,733 community meals. 54 individuals placed into housing, a 29% placement rate. This compares to a rate of 22% for 2021.

The Food Bank Network served a total of 7,812 unduplicated individuals within 3,535 households. A total of 331,110 meals were distributed.

Crisis Prevention assisted 2,086 unduplicated individuals; 105 were veterans.

In 2022, Street Outreach case managers provided services to 231 unduplicated individuals who were living in tents and without access to safe, warm living conditions. Thanks in part to the resources and connections provided by our team, 48 previously unhoused individuals achieved housing.

Adelante served a total of 87 households, equaling 248 unduplicated household members. 75% of those households receiving services lived at or beneath the federal poverty level at the time of their intake. 56% of participants receiving services were children.

In 2022, 32 children were enrolled in PALS, receiving individualized support with their social and emotional well-being. PALS provides a safe, trusting environment to foster emotional, social and educational needs of children (ages 5-9) who have been exposed to trauma. PALS engages children who have experienced trauma, abuse, or neglect through adventure, opportunity, counseling, family network activities and one on one therapeutic practices. PALS supports children referred by Adelante, our community shelter, Alamosa County DHS, and local school counselors.

Last but not least, VEGI offered nutrition and gardening education to approximately 1,000 youth. In addition, 486 lbs. of produce was grown and donated back to the community.

Organization Data


Organization name

La Puente Home, Inc.

Year Established



Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Child Care Credit, Colorado Homeless Credit


911 State Ave.
Alamosa, CO 81101


PO Box 1235
Alamosa, CO 81101

Service areas

Alamosa County, CO, US



Social Media