Loveland High School Band Boosters

A nonprofit organization

$1,528 raised by 12 donors

31% complete

$5,000 Goal

Your donation gives another student the opportunity to be the best, by joining our hard-working, award-winning band program. We provide nearly 50% of funding for the LHS Bands, and no student is turned away due to financial reasons. Please help us support these amazing musicians!


Here is what some of our students have to say about being in the Crimson Regiment Marching Band: (anonymous)

1) Before band I was nothing, good at nothing and just a nobody.  Band gave me a chance to express myself and grow as a person, leader, and musician.  I have done it for 4 years and I plan to make music education my life.  I owe my everything to music.

2)  Before band I felt like no one.  I had no one.  All of my friends left me in middle school.  Joining band made me more extroverted and proud of who I am, more motivated to learn.  Everything I know now I have learned in the past year.  I didn't even know what trilling was.  Band is my life, my family.  Music is one of my main passions.  I have become more open minded and caring.  I thank everyone in band for giving me this opportunity to try my best and be the best.  Thank you truly.

3) Band is a very dedicated sport and everyone matters.  I joined and if I didn't I'd be a completely different person.  Band changes you and has helped me grow to be someone I am proud of  today.

4)  There's way too much for this piece of paper.  Here goes nothing:  I learned that I can commit to an activity and the people I do it with.  I learned that I can talk to people, find common ground, and make friends.   I learned that I love music.  I gained a second family.  I'm gaining the ability to lead.  I can actually budget time, and time to myself is more than time wasted; it's recharging for another adventure. 

5)  Band to me means being more social, developing myself as a leader and as a good individual, and being in the prime of my life even through the long, hard, tedious days.

6)  Being in band is difficult.  You have to learn 4 things at the same time, marching, music, body, technique and awareness I guess.  Also some of the best bands don't have the best instruments, as a low reed I probably have a 50 year old instrument that has never been repaired but overall bands awesome.

7)  Being in the band means a lot to me because of the memories I make and the people I meet.  These will last a lifetime for me.

8)  I came from a small middle school to LHS and I was very afraid because I knew almost no one going into high school.  Band helped me with that.  I made friends quickly and really felt like I belonged.  By the time school started, I was already set with knowing so many great people.  I don't even want to think of how terrible and scary high school would be without band.


"Pride in Tradition, Excellence through Dedication." The mission of the Loveland High School Band Boosters is to support the bands in their pursuit of music excellence. We support the Crimson Regiment Marching Band, Jazz Bands, Wind Symphony, Symphonic and Concert Bands, and the Loveland Winter Guard. We raise money to help pay for instruments, repairs, marching uniforms & concert attire, sheet music, band camps, transportation to performances and competitions, and instruction costs.

Background Statement

Loveland High School Band Boosters was formed as a 501(c)(3) in 1997. Since then, we have supported Loveland High's world-class high school music program, with approximately 180 of the 1500 students of the student body of Loveland High School as active members in one of the many band programs:

*Concert Bands, including Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band

*Crimson Regiment Marching Band and Color Guard

*Winter Guard

*Jazz Ensembles (I and II)

*Percussion Ensemble

*Numerous Chamber Groups

The 2022 State Champion Crimson Regiment Marching Band has been a Colorado Bandmasters Association State Champion 4 times and a finalist 15 times since 2002; Crimson Regiment has attended the state competition for the last 17 years. They have been 4A Regional Champions for 11 of the last 13 years. Competing at Bands of America Regional in Arizona in October 2022, the Crimson Regiment won 1st place in AA Division. At their 2017 trip to The BOA competition in Utah, they left as finalists and winners of "Class Champions". After placing 2nd in Regionals with a score of 81.60, we went on to win the State Championship Captain Award for both Visual and General Effect resulting in an overall win for the Crimson Regiment in the 4A Division.

Loveland Bands were inducted into the Loveland Historical Hall of Fame in 2021 and 2022.

Loveland Bands have been awarded the Colorado Bandmaster's Association Exemplary Program Award for Award-Winning Program three times since 2012. At the Colorado Bandmaster's Association State Concert Band Festival LHS was awarded a

Superior with Distinction Award in 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2016, and a Superior rating in 2010, 2013, and 2015.

Loveland High School Jazz Ensembles take part in the University of Northern Colorado Jazz Fest; in 2019, LHS students won 5 solo awards at the festival.

Loveland High School Bands cannot provide these competitive opportunities to students without the support of LHS Band Boosters. The school district provides a stipend for musical instruments & repair; the rest of our $300,000 annual budget comes through student fees (about half the budget), donations, grants, sponsorships, and fundraising.

Organization Data


Organization name

Loveland High School Band Boosters

Year Established




Organization Size

Medium Organization


920 W. 29th Street
Loveland, CO 80538


920 W. 29th Street
Loveland, CO 80538


P.O. Box 1242
Loveland, CO 80539

Service areas

Larimer County, CO, US





Social Media