Background Statement
The school opened its doors in 2002 and the student body of Lowry Elementary reflects the neighborhood's unusual level of economic and racial diversity. As a result, the demographics of Lowry's neighborhood school are in stark contrast to the national trend of increasing segregation in elementary schools. There are 25 different languages other than English spoken at the school and 23% of the students are English Language Learners. During the 2021-2022 school year, 56% of the student body qualified for federal free and reduced-priced lunch, a standard indicator of poverty. In addition, a number of students live in nearby transitional housing for homeless families. Over 11% of the students receive Special Education services. 69% of Lowry's students identify as American Indian or Alaskan, Asian, Black, Hispanic, Multiple Races, or Native Hawaiian or Other.
Lowry Elementary School is located in the redeveloped Lowry Neighborhood of Southeast Denver, Colorado. Lowry was once an Air Force Base and its neighborhood is a planned, in-fill development that is subject to federal mixed-use guidelines. The area is a prime example of urban renewal, with a combination of residential, educational, commercial, open space, and recreational space surrounding a local, public school. Lowry's wide range of housing includes market-rate single-family homes, affordable town homes offered through the Colorado Community Land Trust, and two multi-family, subsidized, and transitional housing complexes run by Colorado Coalition for the Homeless.