Naropa University

A nonprofit organization

Accepting the call to serve as a force for positive change is daunting. Your gift allows students to embrace this calling & demonstrate incredible courage, talent, & dedication in their fields, develop the skills needed to authentically engage as effective, mindful leaders in an evolving world.


"One of the reasons I have chosen Naropa is because it has offered the contemplative programs in its curriculum. It is fundamental to me as a Buddhist monk that I acquire knowledge from what I learn, as well as infuse that knowledge with the wisdom from practical application and Naropa has helped me fulfill that through its acutely engaging curriculum and contemplative approach." - Ven Thich Tam Tien - MA 2018

"The first day of school I was surrounded by excited students-students who had a desire to speak about mindfulness, conscious living, and transformation within themselves and the community. I felt I found my tribe. Naropa students bring such a healing essence to the campus. I feel safe, secure, heard, and appreciated by those who surround me at Naropa."-Amanda Coleman, Contemplative Psychology, 2017

"Learning to meditate was a very defining moment for me at Naropa. It's something that has helped my life and mind and how I interact with others. I will always have the tools to give my mind the space it needs to roam."- Joy Watts Visual Arts, 2016

Giving Activity


Inspired by the rich intellectual and experiential traditions of East and West, Naropa University is North America's leading institution of contemplative education. Naropa recognizes the inherent goodness and wisdom of each human being.

It educates the whole person, cultivating academic excellence and contemplative insight in order to infuse knowledge with wisdom. The University nurtures in its students a lifelong joy in learning, a critical intellect, the sense of purpose that accompanies compassionate service to the world, and the openness and equanimity that arise from authentic insight and self-understanding. Ultimately, Naropa students explore the inner resources needed to engage courageously with a complex and challenging world, to help transform that world through skill and compassion, and to attain deeper levels of happiness and meaning in their lives.

Drawing on the vital insights of the world's wisdom traditions, the University is simultaneously Buddhist-inspired, ecumenical, and nonsectarian. Naropa values ethnic and cultural differences for their essential role in education. It embraces the richness of human diversity with the aim of fostering a more just and equitable society and an expanded awareness of our common humanity.

A Naropa education - reflecting the interplay of discipline and delight - prepares its graduates both to meet the world as it is and to change it for the better.

Background Statement

Renowned Tibetan Buddhist scholar and lineage holder, the Ven. Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche (1940-1987) founded the Naropa Institute (now Naropa University) in 1974. He was enormously influential in spreading the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism to the West. Trained as a Buddhist scholar and educated at Oxford University, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche wanted to create a place where students could study Eastern and Western religions, writing, psychology, science, and the arts while also receiving contemplative and meditation training.

"'Contemplative' here doesn't mean one tames thought or one dwells on some particular theme a lot. Instead, it means being with discipline fully and thoroughly as a hungry man eats food or a thirsty man drinks water." -Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Organization Data


Organization name

Naropa University

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Large Organization


Naropa University 2130 Arapahoe Avenue
Bouder, CO 80302


Naropa University 2130 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, CO 80302


Naropa University 2130 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, CO

Service areas

Boulder County, CO, US





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