Neurodiversity Works

A nonprofit organization

$1,535 raised by 10 donors

6% complete

$25,000 Goal

MISSION: At Neurodiversity Works, our mission is to champion individuals with distinct neuro-variations, including autism, ADHD, and dyslexia, guiding them toward meaningful careers and livable wages within the burgeoning drone industry. We stand firm in our belief that neurodiversity is a strength to be celebrated rather than a disability to be mitigated. Despite representing close to 20% of the global population, individuals with neurodiversity face a staggering under/unemployment rate of up to 85%. Our dedicated programs are meticulously crafted toward the needs of these individuals, ensuring their successful integration into the workforce and their access to sustainable, rewarding employment.

INITIATIVES OVERVIEW: Neurodiversity Works is steadfast in its commitment to our mission, actively driving change and progress through a series of well-rounded initiatives. Here’s a breakdown of our key programs:

  1. Digital Workshops for Broadened Exposure: Understanding the need for widespread access to career information, we’ve developed digital workshops to showcase career opportunities within the drone industry. This online format enables us to extend our reach to every interested school district, ensuring no student is left without access to crucial career insights.
  2. Comprehensive Online Learning Modules: We've designed and partnered with training programs with the primary goal of equipping students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to obtain their Part 107 license through the Federal Aviation Administration, a crucial step for anyone looking to join the commercial drone industry. The programs navigate through the aspects of drone operations, regulations, and safety procedures, preparing students to not just pass the certification exam, but sets them up to excel in the commercial drone field.
  3. Annual Neurodiversity Works Summer Camp: Our signature summer camp is an immersive two-day event, bringing industry experts directly to students. Through a series of interactive sessions covering various industry verticals, we provide a tangible, hands-on experience that goes beyond the digital realm, sparking curiosity and passion in the field.
  4. Colorado’s Premier Drone Pilot Apprenticeship: We take pride in offering Colorado’s first-ever paid drone pilot apprenticeship program. This competitive initiative spans 2000 hours, ensuring our graduates are among the industry’s top talent. By providing paid, practical experience, we not only enhance the careers of our students but also contribute to closing the employment gap in the neurodiverse community.

Through these initiatives, Neurodiversity Works is not just advocating for change; we are actively creating pathways, opening doors, and ensuring that neurodiverse individuals are seen, supported, and given the tools to succeed in the vibrant drone industry.

Giving Activity


Our mission at Neurodiversity Works is to support and empower individuals with unique neuro-differences, such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia, in their pursuit of careers in the drone industry. We believe that neurodiversity should be valued and celebrated. Nearly 20% of the population is neurodiverse, yet there is an 85% under/unemployment rate in the neurodiverse workforce. Our programs are designed to help these individuals reach their full potential and succeed in the workforce.

Background Statement

Neurodiversity Works is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Colorado. We are dedicated to equipping neurodiverse students for prosperous careers within the drone sector. Our mission thrives on comprehensive workforce development initiatives tailored to highlight the unique abilities and strengths of neurodiverse students. Embracing inclusivity at its core, we collaborate with local families, School to Work Alliance Programs, Career Technical Education initiatives, and various supportive and advocacy organizations to realize our vision.

Neurodiversity Works was established in 2020 in response to the staggering unemployment rates prevalent among neurodiverse individuals, where 85% of neurodiverse adults are underemployed or unemployed, despite their capability and eagerness to contribute. Born from the personal journey of a neurodiverse family, the founders witnessed firsthand employment challenges faced by this community. Leveraging their expertise in nonprofit endeavors and the drone industry, they were inspired to craft a transformative path for workforce development tailored for the neurodiverse community. They firmly hold the conviction that rewarding careers not only enrich individual lives but also enrich our society. They advocate for the unique insights and values neurodiverse individuals bring to the table, which often remain untapped in the traditional workforce.

We are a Colorado nonprofit that prepares neurodiverse students for careers in the drone industry. We have been approved as a CDLE Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Vendor AND our Registered Apprenticeship Program is approved by the US Department of Labor.

Campaigns supporting this organization

Organization Data


Organization name

Neurodiversity Works

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Youth Development

Organization Size

Small Organization



Service areas