Background Statement
1) Essential Tangible Items - We supply hygiene backpacks and community support for housing, food, and transportation.
2) Job Placement - Finding stable employment is often a significant challenge for individuals with a record. Job placement helps rebuild their lives and the lives of their family. In turn, ex-offenders become self-sufficient.
3) Parole Support - The NXT Chapter Founders have created a program to break the barriers to reintegration. Upon release, an ex-offender is given reporting requirements that the criminal legal system requires for a successful parole. NXT Chapter has broken these requirements into manageable, attainable assignments, which leads to successful outcomes.
4) Mental Health Education – Josephine Burton, the architect of the S.E.E.D. ™ - Self Educating Empowering Developer mental health education curriculum. The NXT Chapter team conducts weekly S.E.E.D. sessions to develop the life skills needed to experience a better quality of life. The three key components are 1) Setting Realistic Goals, 2) Cognitive Thinking, and 3) Self Esteem Building. The S.E.E.D. ™ program, along with W.R.A.P – (Wellness Recovery Action Plan), is a proven tool that assists clients in coping with life challenges, addictions, trauma, developmental dysfunctions, justice involvement, and mental health. We have an education curriculum for the youth 13-25 years of age separate from the adults 25 years of age and older.
In the three years of operation and over 200 participants, we have had a success rate of 99%.
Currently, the NXT Chapter is a volunteer-based organization. Please help us continue to make a difference in the lives of people reentering society to live their NXT Chapter differently. Thanks for your support!