A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

What would happen if people took time to do good for another person, 

a family, a community?  

The Outpost believes the best change for good happens when we as individuals serve others in need. For The Outpost this has taken shape in a number of ways. 

One of the places we have learned we can do good is for students in our community.  More than 60% of students are suffering with significant mental health concerns. That is three times the number of adults over the age of 25! 

What can we do to make the biggest impact? 

We can build relationships with students who are disenfranchised, lonely, struggling with family situations, bullying, and other experiences that significantly impact the mental health of any student. 

How do we do this? 

We work with local school counselors to be connected with students who would benefit from a friend. The Outpost is committed to building healthy relationships with these students, providing resource connection and being a listening ear for students in need. 

How can you help? 

The Mugs for Mental Health campaign is set to raise $5,000 to help The Outpost meet needs of a minimum of 30 students with whom we connect in the next year. 

The first 180 people giving $20 or more will receive a Mug for Mental Health as part of their Thank You. 

There are 3 steps we invite you to take as you join us in supporting students:

  1. Give your gift of $20 or more right now
  2. Consider volunteering with us as we serve students in our communities
  3. Share this opportunity with at least 5 friends who you know have a heart to serve students. 

Thank you for helping us serve students across Arapahoe and Jefferson Counties this next year! 


The Outpost serves the disenfranchised, the hurting and the lonely to bring connection, healing and friendship.

We do this by partnering with other organizations serving in this way to exponentially impact our community in a positive way.

Our teams are sent out to be the hands and feet of Jesus as they serve, expressing love, faith and grace through the tangible provision of time and resources to meet the immediate need.

Meeting needs one person or family at a time, the community is changed for the better and we believe God is glorified.

Background Statement

The Outpost was organized in May 2023.

The Outpost is a spiritual community pursuing living out the ways, words and works of Jesus. We do this with intentional service in the community especially for people living below the poverty line, or experiencing other challenges in life that leave them on the fringes of society in some way.

Our primary population focus has been people living unhoused, college students struggling to thrive due to mental health challenges and families with kids in need of various kinds of support.

We believe Jesus lived and served on the edges of "normal" society and calls us to serve in those same ways even today.

The Outpost welcomes people from every socio-economic, relational and spiritual experience who are interested in living life differently for others.

Organization Data


Organization name


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Religion-Related, Public & Societal Benefit

Organization Size

Medium Organization



Service areas

Douglas County, CO, US

Jefferson County, CO, US

Arapahoe County, CO, US


720 767 1959

Social Media