Praying Hands Ranch

A nonprofit organization

$29,252 raised by 36 donors

98% complete

$30,000 Goal

Praying Hands Ranch was started in 1987 by Carl and Shirley Hansen on the eastern edge of Parker, Colorado.  Their son Jon had special needs and had an affinity for horses.  They set up the ranch to be a therapeutic riding facility for Jon and others with disabilities so they too may experience the joy & benefits that riding a horse can bring. This year we urgently need to:

  1. Replace the arena footing
  2. Install an arena watering system
  3. Purchase and Install Arena fans to help with cooling and heating 

Arena footing is imperative to the health and safety of our horses. Proper footing helps to keep our horses, clients and volunteers comfortable. The health and safety of our everyone is incredibly important to us. With many of our horses aging we need to take all precautions to protect their joints and good area footing is a great way to do this. New arena footing is critical to provide a good working environment for our horses and our volunteers. 

Arena watering is also an important safety concern. If the arena is not watered thoroughly and regularly it kicks up way too much dust. We are currently hand watering our arena's twice a day to keep the dust down. This is a time intensive job with lots of room for human error. Investing in a good arena watering system will provide the efficiency and automation that we need. Breathing in too much dust is not healthy for our horses, clients or volunteers. Please help us streamline this process and keep everyone safe.

While we do have propane heaters in our arenas they are very expensive to operate. We need to install fans to help keep the air moving and cut our costs. 


During Colorado Gives Day, between now and December 6, 2023, we are working to raise $30,000. We can only do it with your help! Please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Join other Coloradans by Giving Where You Live.


Jewels said "I LOVE teaching adaptive riding because I get to help people of all ages achieve their goals. Adaptive riding helps people build confidence both mentally and physically. Being an adaptive riding instructor has always been a dream of mine and I am thrilled to be living my dream everyday. I see how horses impact the lives of our clients and volunteers. Horses help people of all ages and all abilities achieve goals they want to accomplish while showing them love and compassion."

Samantha said "Our son has participated in therapeutic riding at Praying Hands Ranch since 2021. Every therapeutic lesson is tailored to his specific needs and abilities by PHR’s dedicated instructors and volunteers, ensuring a continual building in his confidence and self-esteem. Our son says this about his experience: “I like the atmosphere. I like riding because it is relaxing and calming. Riding makes me focus so I forget the other things that I worry about.”

Ron said "I love getting to ride at the ranch. My horse Ajax is the perfect horse for me. He listens to me as a rider. Horseback riding helps me with my confidence and my overall happiness. I love being in the saddle, my mood is so much better after spending time with Ajax."


We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities through equine activities in a ranch environment, using certified riding instructors and loving volunteers. We strive to make our clients lives better using equine and small animal interactions. Our primary task is giving all clients an opportunity to grow mentally, physically, and emotionally, gain self-esteem, become independent, learn to care for others, be courageous enough to overcome fears, and achieve a better quality of life. We are committed to the humane and ethical treatment of all including our staff, volunteers, and equine and small animal partners.

Fast facts and where your donation goes:

80% of our clientele has an intellectual or developmental disability

20% of our clientele comes to the Ranch to work on mental wellness and emotional healing

We provide sliding scale fees and scholarships to those unable to afford the cost of therapy.

$150 will provide one therapy session for one client

$6,900 is the yearly cost to care for just one therapy horse is

$520 provides an 8 week session of adaptive riding for one client

$3,000 provides monthly hay for our herd

$125 provides one bale of hay - one day's worth!

$145 provides monthly grain for one horse

$200 provides monthly shoes for one horse

$50 pays for a hoof trim for one horse

Background Statement

Our therapeutic riding lessons are given in 8 week blocks four times per year with a mini session of 5 weeks just before the winter break. All prospective clients need to fill out a Prospective Client Registration form to be placed on our waiting list. We typcially begin calling prospective clients about 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the next session. Submission of this form does not guarantee acceptance into any equine program at Praying Hands Ranch.

Organization Data


Organization name

Praying Hands Ranch

Tax id (EIN)



Human Services, Animal-Related, Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking Foundations


11892 Hilltop Road
PARKER, CO 80134

Service areas

Parker, CO, US, 80134

Parker, CO, US, 80138

Castle Rock, CO, US

Denver, CO, US

Centennial, CO, US



Social Media