Organization name
Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Medium Organization
5945 County Road 346Silt, CO 81652
Garfield County, CO, US
We believe that wildlife is one of Colorado's most important resources! Please help us continue our wildlife rehabilitation and educational programs that help protect the wildlife we love!
Our mission is to provide quality, professional care to injured and orphaned wildlife in conjunction with educational programs on wildlife and the environment.
The Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation was founded in 1984 by its current Executive Director, Nanci Limbach. It was granted non-profit status in 1991. We believe that wildlife is a very important resource in Colorado, one that must be preserved and protected.
PSSWF, with its three state and federally licensed, veterinary qualified rehabilitators, rehabilitates all species of wildlife, including mountain lions, bears, raptors, and smaller birds and mammals, as well as threatened and endangered species. The Foundation is the only rehabilitation facility Western Colorado licensed for all species of wildlife. In its 40+ years in operation, PSSWF has taken in over 10,000 animals in need of assistance.
We serve the entire state, though we receive most animals from Mesa, Garfield, Eagle, Montrose, Delta, Summit, and Pitkin counties. Citizens, veterinarians, law enforcement and other government agencies, animal shelters, and environmental groups entrust injured and orphaned wildlife they find to the care of our Foundation. Though we work closely with Colorado Parks and Wildlife and other government agencies, we are NOT directly funded by them.
The Foundation has long provided educational programs on wildlife and the environment. We have provided programs to a variety of groups, including a Wildlife Management course for CMC Veterinary Technology students, 4-H, Boy and Girl Scouts, schools from Parachute to Aspen, and local community programs. We also welcome high school students with career shadow and senior seminar programs in an attempt to foster a love for wildlife. In addition to our animals under rehabilitation, which are not seen by the public, PSSWF has resident animals that are used in education. The wolf, bobcats, fox, birds, and reptiles help teach about indigenous and non-indigenous wildlife, why wildlife shouldn't be kept as pets, the value of our wildlife resource, and other topics.
Organization name
Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Medium Organization
5945 County Road 346Garfield County, CO, US