The PTA is nearly 125 years old (nationwide), and its mission statement is still relevant! We are proud to carry this torch while also putting our own Crested Butte spin on things. We hope you’ll join us in putting the “yay” in PT-YAY.
The PTA (Parent-Teacher Association), at its core, is about engaging and connecting parents and families with teachers and the school community. More than 85 research studies conducted over the past 30 years prove that kids do better when parents are involved. Grades are higher. Test scores improve. Attendance increases. Engagement starts with communication– helping parents understand the needs of the school, the opportunities to get involved, and the stories of success and celebration. The PTA invests significant time in organizing content and updating communication channels like e-news, website, social media, and Membership toolkit. Engagement through interpersonal connections is fostered through PTA social and fundraising events, PTA Room Parents, membership meetings, teacher appreciation drives, and volunteer engagement.
To ensure each child’s potential to thrive, we recognize that our school, its teachers and staff, and the families within our school may need additional resources beyond what our state budget allows. When students and teachers are equipped and empowered, they have the potential to thrive. We fundraise to provide classroom resources, student programs, parent education, and resources. Much of our fundraising goes directly to Teacher & Staff Appreciation, such as catered meals, gift cards, and grant requests. We also fund and coordinate partnerships with other organizations that deliver services and professional expertise benefitting our students, families, teachers, and the school community. Finally, we harness volunteer power to fill gaps in service or to enhance the overall support to our students and teachers.
PTA is the oldest and largest child advocacy association in America. Today, the issues that affect our children extend beyond their individual schools. PTAs provide parents with the forum and tools to collectively influence the decisions that affect children not only at their schools but also throughout their districts, within their states, and across the nation. PTA tracks local, state, and national policies so we can advocate for what’s best for our students, families, and schools. This includes participation in the School Accountability Committee, School Board Meetings, statewide initiatives through partners such as Great Education Colorado and Colorado State PTA, and more. Although these forums are open to any participants, we recognize that most people do not (or cannot) attend, and we consider our role in providing leadership and representation to be an essential service to our community. Although we do not endorse political candidates, we align with specific issues and ballotinitiatives related to our mission. At the ground level, we represent our members through regular meetings with school administrators, feedback loops with teachers, and an open communication channel with parents and students.
YOU Are the PTA
Ultimately, the PTA is not “about us.” We are about the children– that is our mission statement. You are the PTA as a member or supporter. Our “unit” for the Crested Butte Community School has its 501c3 status, by-laws, and Board, yet we have no paid staff, not even a part-time executive director, like many nonprofits. This is a volunteer-driven, member-led organization whose success relies entirely on voluntary participation.