Quivira Coalition

A nonprofit organization

Through education, innovation, and collaboration, Quivira works in coalition with ranchers, farmers, government agencies, Tribal entities, and land stewards to foster resilience on dry working lands. Based in Santa Fe, our operations take place on working lands across the Mountain West. We envision a world where agriculture provides for the health of rural economies and communities, fosters social equity, and regenerates climate, land, water, and ecosystems. We work to grow the community of regenerative agriculture until it is embraced as a crucial piece of our food systems, our land stewardship, and our solutions to climate change. 


Through education, innovation, and collaboration, Quivira works in coalition with ranchers, farmers, government and Tribal agencies, and land stewards of all stripes to foster resilience on dry working lands.

Background Statement

Rangelands, pastures, and forests constitute our best opportunity for maintaining healthy watersheds, fostering biodiversity, and sequestering carbon. Ranchers grazing livestock on rangeland and pastures manage nearly 800 million acres of working lands in the US, 42 percent of all US lands, excluding Alaska. The ranchers and farmers who tend working lands in the future, as well as the systems for sharing and implementing strategies of stewardship among them, will have an enormous impact on the resilience of our environment, economies, and climate.

This challenge is complicated by the fact that fewer and fewer young people are able to enter or remain in agriculture. According to the 2022 US Agricultural Census, the average age of US ranchers and farmers is over 58. This concentrates the potential for impact upon large swaths of western landscapes into the hands of a rapidly aging population. Additionally, despite a wealth of production knowledge, the valuable experience of BIPOC individuals has been removed from this space — 97% of agricultural producers in this country are white (2022 US Agricultural Census), demonstrating an opportunity to grow the movement by welcoming previously erased perspectives.

These are the challenges we at Quivira Coalition work to address.

Organization Data


Organization name

Quivira Coalition

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Food, Agriculture & Nutrition, Education, Environment

Organization Size

Large Organization


1413 2ND ST STE 1
SANTA FE, NM 87505

Service areas







Social Media