Rocky Mountain Collie and Sheltie Rescue, Inc

A nonprofit organization

$10,760 raised by 77 donors

72% complete

$15,000 Goal

Many of the dogs RMCSR opens its doors to are those unwanted not only by a previous owner, but for various reasons, unwanted by shelters and other rescues. In many cases RMCSR is their last resort for safety and life.
Thank you for supporting RMCSR and the dogs who have no where else to turn.


We visited "Camp Collie" (RMCSR Director's home) to pick up foster baby #2 last weekend and had the privilege of meeting Hope's resident puppy posse and the dogs she and her husband had just transported from Texas. The Texas dogs were victims of a Collie hoarder. The experience was overwhelming. We were sobered by the realization of how much evil, abuse and neglect human beings are capable of imposing on these poor critters. And we felt renewed faith in humanity to witness all that RMCSR volunteers do to rescue, care for and rehabilitate these animals into the creatures they are meant to be. The director of RMCSR is aptly named Hope, and through her eyes we are learning to see the "inner Collie" buried deeply in these wounded souls. Our foster baby is named Waco the Kid. He weighs 33 pounds and should probably weight about 50. In 48 hours he learned to go up and down stairs and figured out the doggie door, even though he is mostly blind. He loves the sound of our voice, treats and ear scratches. And there is nothing that warms our hearts more than a wag from his little tail. We have a mountain of other challenges and some significant medical issues, but we are committed to Waco and getting him ready for the forever family that his gentle spirit so much deserves. We are learning that rehabilitation doesn't happen overnight and it takes an incredible amount of resources, both dedicated volunteers and financial resources. We are committed to helping RMCSR in their mission and hope that the Colorado community will also embrace these rescues from Texas who need our help. We are all these little guys have. --Sarah & Kurtis Golding

We have adopted 3 collies through Rocky Mountain Collie and Sheltie Rescue (RMCSR). We believe RMCSR is a rescue run with heart; both for the dogs and the families adopting them. Every effort is made to match the right dog to the right family. Our first collie through RMCSR became a therapy dog, working with young children, an amazing outcome for a dog that at one time had an extremely uncertain future This rescue believes that every dog is worthy of a forever home. We are so grateful for the incredible efforts of all the volunteers of RMCSR. --Tim and Sharon Sweeney

I have been affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Collie and Sheltie Rescue for about 7 years. I adopted my dog Cane from the rescue and I was so impressed with the way it was run by so many lovely volunteers I started volunteering myself as a foster parent for many years. As many of you may know, the organization does not have a kennel facility so we can only take in as many dogs as we can find foster homes for. It brings you great joy to foster these lovely dogs that come to you confused and afraid and leave you when they find their forever homes. We have now adopted two collies from RMCSR, our second one we named Bronco and our lives are full of wet kisses and furry hugs!! --Mary Ann Palmer

Rocky Mountain Collie Sheltie Rescue is a wonderful nonprofit organization that does very important work. This all-volunteer organization helps dogs transition from very bad situations into loving homes. I have been involved for over 6 years and have personally seen its positive impact hundreds of times. They work very hard to match dogs to the right family and will only adopt a dog when the family passes a rigorous adoption process. The future well-being of the dog is paramount followed closely with the needs of the adoptive family. The adoption fees they charge, in most cases, do not cover the medical and dental expenses incurred getting a dog ready for adoption. I would strongly recommend them as a place for your donation dollars and also as a place for you to volunteer your valuable time at to make a difference, one dog at a time. --David Ordway

The RMCSR is a loving and caring group of volunteers who selflessly give their time to the betterment of Collies and Shelties who have been abandoned/relinquished by their owners or identified at local shelters. When we were looking for a rescue Collie, everyone directed us to this organization and since then we have never doubted our decision. We now have a Collie who has become an important member of our family. These dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to save and rehabilitate these dogs, and match them to the right person or family. --Kathy Czupor


Our mission is to rescue and rehabilitate lost, abused and abandoned Collies, Collie-mixes, Shelties, and Sheltie-mixes and place them in loving, responsible homes.

Furthermore, we want each and every dog to know it is loved and has value.

Background Statement

Rocky Mountain Collie and Sheltie Rescue is a tax-exempt, non-profit, volunteer-operated organization founded in 1979 with the purpose of finding loving homes for Collies and Shelties. We are a member of the Denver All Breed Rescue Network, the Collie Rescue Foundation and National Sheltie Rescuers. Serving the Rocky Mountain region, we are based in southern Colorado but we have helped dogs from throughout Colorado, as well as from Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Wyoming, Montana, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and Iowa.

All our dogs live in foster homes and each and every dog is carefully placed. We do not adopt out dogs at any public event. The application process includes, but is not limited to: a vet reference, phone conversation with RMCSR's director and the dog's foster family, a home check by a RMCSR volunteer.

Organization Data


Organization name

Rocky Mountain Collie and Sheltie Rescue, Inc

other names

RMCSR, Pueblo Collie/Sheltie Rescue, Inc.

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Small Organization


234 S. Hacienda del Sol Dr.
Pueblo West, CO 81007

Service areas

Pueblo County, CO, US



Social Media