Reaching HOPE

A nonprofit organization

$18,923 raised by 53 donors

19% complete

$100,000 Goal

Now, more than ever, trauma exists at astronomical rates. Because trauma never exists solely on an individual level, Reaching Hope provides progressive, holistic mental health services and programs that lift communities out of the cycle of violence and toward a healthy, supportive community network.


Testimonials from Reaching HOPE clients:

"Reaching HOPE Staff have been instrumental in the beginning of our family's healing process. The therapists have been cheerleaders to me as I navigate and gain skills to be the best mom I can to my children. I appreciate and value the services they have provided."
~Adult Family Therapy Client

"I don't think you know just how much you changed my life. An infinity of thank-yous would never be enough. I suppose a thank you for empowering me, inspiring me and guiding me into being the happier, better, and healthier person I am today will have to do."
~Young Adult Client

"Last year on my birthday, I was sleeping on a couch and not able to go home. Waking up each day wondering how I could possibly make it through another day. I look back at just a short year ago and it almost doesn't seem real, but yet stirs so many emotional feelings. Today, my world is different almost like night and day and I have many people to thank for their support and care. I would have never made it without these people. Thank you, you are one of those people who made this new life possible."
~Adult Domestic Violence Survivor


Reaching Hope believes that together we can end the cycle of trauma.

It is our mission to help individuals heal from trauma by providing a holistic approach to mental health services that address individual, relational and systemic healing, ultimately fortifying the health of communities for generations to come.

Background Statement

Since our founding, Reaching HOPE has been dedicated to healing trauma and preventing child abuse and neglect. The COVID-19 pandemic worsened an existing mental health crises and now our nation and our community have all experienced traumatic stress. Beyond the collective trauma, we continue to see high levels of child sexual assault, domestic violence, and other experiences of violence. While this impacts people in all areas of society, women, children, people of color and those in the queer community continue to be the most impacted, and that is where our focus remains. We also know that Front line helping professionals are experiencing astronomical levels of burnout and vicarious trauma, resulting in many people leaving the helping professions altogether. Reaching HOPE has been, and continues to provide specialized trauma recovery mental health services to trauma survivors, their family members, and the helping professionals who are supporting everyone as we work to recover.

We believe that everyone should have access to therapy services, and especially those most at risk. That is why we continue to grow our team of therapists to meet the increased demand for mental health services in both English and Spanish. We are working tirelessly to ensure that everyone who needs support has the opportunity to access immediate crisis support and longer-term recovery therapy, and we invite you to be part of the healing journey.

Organization Data


Organization name

Reaching HOPE

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Mental Health & Crisis Intervention, Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization


2090 E 104th Ave. Unit 201
Thornton, CO 80233

Service areas

Adams County, CO, US



Social Media