Spring Into Action: Help Bridge the Housing Gap
$15,328 raised by 82 donors
77% complete
$20,000 Goal
RecoveryWorks is a low-barrier emergency day-shelter and short-term overnight respite and recuperative care program. Our program provides daily drop-in access to rehousing and recovery support services for any unhoused individual. Our navigation center also offers access to health care and behavioral health services, and emergency services such as showers, laundry, internet access, meals, and more. RecoveryWorks also provides 24/7 medical respite and recuperative care for medically compromised individuals referred from a local healthcare system or public health provider. Embracing a Housing First model, ReocoveryWorks is committed to a rehousing framework using peer professionals made up of highly committed and diverse staff members.
To watch a recent Denver CNTV interview with James Ginsburg, RecoveryWorks' Executive Director, please click on the link below.
RecoveryWorks provides access to opportunities for resources, community and recovery to our unhoused neighbors.
RecoveryWorks opened our doors in the summer of 2021 in the midst of the COVID pandemic out of a significant community need to support the unhoused in the West Metro area. We are a low barrier drop-in center; many of our guests are older adults, veterans, or individuals actively dealing with recovery. Committed to finding a long-term solution to homelessness in the Denver Metro area, RecoveryWorks is a vital partner in the rehousing ecosystem. In 2023, RecoveryWorks has been the recipient of multiple American Rescue Plan Act (APRA) awards and is using the revenue to expand our services and acquire additional facilities to build out permanent supportive housing in Jefferson County.
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Housing & Shelter
Organization Size
Medium Organization
Colorado State Tax Credits
Colorado Homeless Credit
8000 West Colfax AvenueJefferson County, CO, US
Denver, CO, US
Adams County, CO, US
Arapahoe County, CO, US
Gilpin County, CO, US
(303) 777-0217