Renew Inc.

A nonprofit organization

39% complete

$2,500 Goal

This year alone Renew has helped over 130 families throughout Montezuma and Dolores Counties. Your donations help Renew meet the wide range of needs that victims and their children may have after a crisis incident. Many families come into shelter with little to nothing, of the life they left behind. Starting over is hard and your donation makes a difference! With the holidays right around the corner and our safe house being filled with families we would like to try and make this a special time regardless of their situations. 

Thank you

Renew Staff


"I am so thankful for Renew and the services that they provide."

"Thank you for giving me and my kids a safe place to stay."

"Renew's advocates are awesome!"


Our mission at Renew Inc. is to provide assistance to survivors of domestic violence (intimate partner violence), adult sexual assault, and adult survivors of child sexual abuse through crisis intervention, public education, and awareness.

Background Statement

Renew began in 1981 when a vista volunteer assigned to Cortez area found that the primary problem that many of the women with whom she was working with were facing domestic violent. Out of this concern grew an all- volunteer advocacy program to address the needs of the victims of domestic violence. Renew was run 100% by volunteers until the late 1980's, and still relies heavily on volunteers today.

In 1992, Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), requested that Renew include services for sexual assault victims. Prior to this the closest "sexual assault crisis response" was an hour's drive away, in Durango.

Renew was incorporated in 1981 and the safehouse was opened in 2009. Renew's safehouse provides a safe place for victims to begin the healing process and get the support needed to live a safe and productive life.

Organization Data


Organization name

Renew Inc.

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, Human Services, Crime & Legal-Related, Public & Societal Benefit

Organization Size

Medium Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Enterprise Zone Credit


1021 N. Mildred street Suite B
Cortez, CO 81321


PO BOX 169
Cortez, CO 81321


1021 N. Mildred, Ste B
Cortez, CO 81321

Service areas

Montezuma County, CO, US

Dolores County, CO, US



Social Media