A nonprofit organization

$52,124 raised by 108 donors

69% complete

$75,000 Goal

Your Kindness gets our REVELers Seen!

Thank you for considering donating to REVEL on Colorado Gives Day, your support gets our teens and adults with autism and IDDs, our REVELers, seen, heard and accomplishing their personal goals! Maybe you know someone with autism or someone that is neurodiverse, and you see the struggles they may face in social or professional situations, you witness other peoples reactions when they don't understand what it means to be neurodiverse or autistic.  REVEL equips neurodiverse individuals with essential skills, boosts their confidence, provides job coaching and support, fosters independence, and reduces social isolation. We don’t just create activities to keep people busy; we set goals, track progress, challenge them to step outside their comfort zone, and ensure our clients achieve meaningful outcomes so they can live the life they deserve. Each person is treated as the unique individual they are, with their learning, goals, and dreams at the center of everything we do.  We work with employers to understand and hire neurodiverse individuals and work toward a truly inclusive society, that we all can benefit from. We all know that diversity is strength and you are a neurodiversity ally!

The Problem

The lack of support for neurodiverse individuals can have profound implications for both them and their families. Individuals may experience increased social isolation, leading to feelings of loneliness and low self-esteem, and thoughts of suicide. They might struggle to find and maintain employment, resulting in financial dependence, lack of community, and a lack of purpose. Additionally, without essential life skills, they may face challenges in managing daily tasks, further limiting their independence.

For families, the absence of support can create stress and uncertainty. Parents may feel overwhelmed and helpless as they navigate their loved one’s transition to adulthood without adequate resources.

From Isolation to Integration

Your support demonstrates that you share our values and you understand how important it is to empower neurodiverse and autistic teens and adults to gain the skills and confidence they need to feel connected, valued, and supported. We’re committed to building a society that celebrates diversity, fosters inclusivity, drives economic and social growth, and ensures everyone can lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.


Giving Activity


REVEL is the bridge to adulthood for teens and adults with autism spectrum disorder and IDDs to live meaningful, enriched lives.

Background Statement

In 2016, REVEL originated from a core group of dedicated professionals who focused on providing therapeutic behavioral services to children diagnosed with autism. However, it soon became clear that the supports provided during the school years were not sufficient once these clients began to approach graduation. As young adults turn 21 years old, the services available through high school and transition programs end and the “cliff” begins. Programs and funding for adults with disabilities are limited, resulting in a lack of social interaction with others, increased rates of social isolation, depression and unemployment. REVEL strives to provide a bridge for this undeserved group, and is committed to creating opportunities for these individuals to become active, integrated participants in their community, living fulfilling lives and reaching their fullest potential. We create an accepting community for teens and adults with autism to connect, work, learn, live, and explore new interests together with their peers. Through our comprehensive programming, partnerships and integration with the community, REVEL’s reach is always expanding. What began as a lounge to provide a safe place for social interaction, is now providing person-first services and supports, including therapy and vocational development. As REVEL continues to grow, we see a life without limits for our participants, where they achieve individualized independence and find meaningful roles in their communities.

Organization Data


Organization name


other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization


3501 Blake Street #250
Denver, CO 80205

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US





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