Roaring Fork Center for Community Leadership

A nonprofit organization

$11,609 raised by 53 donors

33% complete

$35,000 Goal

RFL provides the opportunity, and the framework, for a diverse group of individuals to come together to transform their lives, work environments, and community. RFL believes that the investment in people, and their leadership, pays off for decades. 

What RFL’s learned through our recent involvement in the Colorado Council on Leadership for our region about the current challenges to leadership are: barrier to access, diversification of leadership, connection and cohesion among individuals, organizations, and communities, and lastly leadership development. RFL remains dedicated to remaining relevant and realize we have a lot of work to do. That is why we need your support.

  • We need more civically minded individuals who can approach problems, concerns, or opportunities effectively and appropriately.
  • There needs to be more diversification and inclusion by attracting more diverse individuals that represent our community in to leadership programs and roles. We want differing perspectives, differing socioeconomic backgrounds, different levels of education, etc, represented in our programs and communities. We want to ensure broad and inclusive thinking for an increasingly diverse County. In some cases, it will take additional financial support to include these individuals in our programs.
  • More opportunities for connection amongst local leaders – it is where impact and innovation are created. RFL is a place for developing a leadership pipeline as there is power in relationships. RFL does this through our civic projects with RFL Academy. We’d love to do more of it year-round with our alumni network. In addition, convening community stakeholders to work together to solve community problems.
  • The future of our workforces (Millennials & Gen Z) are looking for organizations that offer professional development, specifically related to leadership development. May small to mid-size organization do not have formalized leadership training programs – that is why RFL exists.

We cannot leave leadership to chance in our valley if we want to see the necessary and important change needed for the betterment of our community. This is why leadership development is of the upmost importance and we are fortunate to have RFL. RFL is a non-profit. The tuition paid for RFL Academy covers approx..50% of the actual cost.  The remainder is an investment from organizations like yours, grants, and individual contributors like myself.

Donate today to RFL!


"Roaring Fork Leadership has transformed my life. Professionally, socially and personally. The ability to challenge yourself to meet and exceed your potential as a human is a gift of a lifetime. I have been involved with leadership science for over 20 years now, and RFL has been the most significant experience thus far in my journey to who I am and what I can be, as a leader, colleague, friend, and human being." -Chris McDowell

"RFL has made a profound impact on my personal life and view of the world." -Sarah Laverty, City of Aspen

"My life has accelerated in terms of commitment, taking action, taking risks, being proactive, trying different behavior to attain results, treating people differently, joining new organizations, taking new classes, and being more accountable for my perceptions of individuals, and events." -Gordon Ledingham, Wells Fargo

"Through awareness, I can make the most effective change in myself. Changing my perception will have far greater results than trying to change my behavior." -Melanie Doskocil, Aspen Santa Fe Ballet

"Roaring Fork Leadership's program has given me the skills, tools, and confidence to accomplish almost anything I apply myself to. The program should come with a warning label "Warning - this class could change your life forever!" -Brad Manosevitz, CGTV Station Manager, GrassRoots TV.

"RFL has opened so many doors for learning. I don't think the learning or transformation ever stops!" -Jennifer Dolecki-Smith

"Through RFL, I've met people in the valley who share my concern for quality-of-life and my desire to participate in creating a community that works to make life here better." -Barry Crook

Professionally, RFL has given me confidence to fully apply myself in different business situations and at work. And it has introduced me to a diverse and amazing group of leaders, thinkers, and classmates." -Erin Lentz

"RFL had a huge influence on my life by showing me things about myself and others that I'd ignored or failed to recognize before. I honestly think that I see the world in a different way now. I find myself quoting things I learned during RFL seminars each and every day." Lauren Yant


We believe anyone can be a leader. RFL develops leaders—no matter their experience, back-ground or resources—who make their communities better.

Background Statement

Roaring Fork Leadership helps individuals and organizations build effective leaders through training, practice and application. RFL, formerly known as Aspen Leadership, was founded in 1988 by a group of local citizens concerned about the need to strengthen relationships and skills among community leaders.

Our experiential leadership models utilize high-caliber facilitators from across the country to teach adults how to be effective and invested leaders in the community. Whether individually through our flagship Roaring Fork Leadership Academy or through customized training on an organizational level, or through our budding youth leadership opportunities. Since 1988, Roaring Fork Leadership has been the all-encompassing leadership development organization in the Valley bringing about effective and collaborative community change and improvement.

Organization Data


Organization name

Roaring Fork Center for Community Leadership

other names

RFL, Leadership Aspen

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Education, Community Improvement & Capacity Building

Organization Size

Small Organization


PO Box 12095
Aspen, CO 81612

Service areas

Pitkin County, CO, US

Garfield County, CO, US

Eagle County, CO, US





Social Media