Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center

A nonprofit organization

A rustic retreat center, at 8500 feet, replete with alpine meadows, spruce forests, birdsong and bugling elk, all under a view of Colorado’s iconic Continental Divide.

RMERC brings Buddhism and Dharma back into the natural world where they originated, and fosters the clarity and compassion needed to better address the ecological crisis and inextricably related social justice issues.

We call this Ecodharma.

This year has been transformational for the Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center. It has been transformational for the hundreds of people who have come up here to meditate, to reflect, to do the deep work of our time.

Rocky Mountain Ecodharma is growing. Our community is deepening. Our vision for a sustainable, heart-centered future is taking form.

In 2022 we have expanded our POC retreats, empowering self-identifying people of color involved in change-making work to do the critical work of racial healing in our communities. We have nearly completed a beautiful remodel of our cabin, and we will soon be offering self retreat to RMERC members in one of the most beautiful places in the world. This season, we have offered 31 retreats for 518 guests. We have touched the lives of so many, and we are just getting started! Please help us move this beautiful project forward.


Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center is a low cost home for spiritual practice, with an emphasis on practice in nature. We are a supportive place for deep practice, a place for meditation, retreats, workshops and Ecodharma; a place for learning from nature, teachers and other participants, and a place for discovering ourselves in a wild environment.

We bring Buddhism and Dharma back into the natural world where they originated, and in doing so, regain the connection and energy necessary to effectively address ecological and related social crises.

Background Statement

Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center is a home for low-cost meditation retreats and workshops in nature. The programs we are most excited about include:

Ecodharma workshops and retreats for activists, using the healing power of meditation in nature to ground and transform activism into a spiritual path of service to the community and to the earth.

Low cost retreats that are offered in the spirit of generosity, with teachers receiving only expenses and donations (Dana).

All spiritual practice traditions are welcome, and local Sanghas are encouraged to use RMERC for weekends and day-longs as well as for longer group retreats.

Retreats for underserved communities including people of color, veterans, youth, and other groups who have historically borne or will bear the brunt of ecological and socio-economic devastation; and are often at the forefront of spiritually-rooted activism.

Read our blog

If you are interested in offering a retreat or workshop please inquire about renting RMERC. Above are the kinds of programs we most want to encourage, but we are open to others as well.

Organization Data


Organization name

Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Religion-Related, Public & Societal Benefit, Arts, Culture & Humanities



Service areas

Boulder, CO, US


Denver, CO, US