For more than 40 years the Rocky Mountain Kiwanis District Foundation has devoted its energy to passionately advocating for the needs of children. Recognizing the incredible service Kiwanis Clubs perform, the Foundation provides grants to protect the health, safety, and welfare of children in our communities. Specifically these grants help build playgrounds, feed children without enough to eat, support public library and school programs, fund student leadership initiatives and so much more!
Key Leader teaches service leadership and social-emotional skills essential for students to become values-driven leaders in their communities. Key Leader is an essential program, designed to break down the isolation many students face in an era of smartphones and social media while teaching critical leadership skills.
Morgan, a child from Colorado Springs who received an Alert Service Dog to help manage her type 1 diabetes said, "I don't know how I would handle my diabetes without her. Technology isn't always reliable but I know Pepper will always be there for me."
Poudre Golden Kiwanis, "The Super Hero underwear made available brought this project allow students to resume class promptly and discreetly and is intended to bolster the student’s self confidence and help them overcome their embarrassment, anxiety or confusion from the incident."