Rose Andom Center

A nonprofit organization

$103,980 raised by 279 donors

83% complete

$125,000 Goal

Imagine a place...

One place where domestic violence victims can be heard. One place where there is safety, support, and services for the profound effects of abuse. One place to rebuild and heal.

The Rose Andom Center - One place. Immeasurable hope.


As just one example of the miracles that happen at Rose Andom Center, we were recently working with a young woman with a newborn child. The child was in the hospital, and the young woman, a single mother, was able to utilize the fact that her baby was in safe hands to seek services regarding the abusive relationship she had been in.

The client was initially interested in discussing a civil protection order and finding out about custody. Working with a Rose Andom Center Intake Specialist, the legal advocate helped arrange transportation from the hospital to the Rose Andom Center. Once at the Center, the young woman was able to fill out protection order paperwork in a safe, calm atmosphere, discuss next steps for custody, begin the referral for additional legal services, and begin safety planning.

The client's phone had been taken by the abuser, and in coordination with a Denver Police Department victim advocate, the woman was provided with a Verizon Hopeline phone.

During the discussion with the legal advocate, the woman mentioned that she had been trying to get paperwork submitted for TANF, food stamps, and other available benefits. We were able to coordinate a meeting with Denver Department of Human Services immediately, and their representative started the benefits application process. While the new client was waiting, she was able to eat and relax in the same and comforting space that the Rose Andom Center offers.

Next, we were able to provide some bus tickets and other supplies (baby bottles, hygiene and feminine products) to help meet her basic needs. Finally, transportation back to the hospital was arranged. All these services were provided in the space of one morning.

Giving Activity


The Rose Andom Center improves the lives of domestic violence victims by facilitating better access to services and staff of community organizations and government agencies in a single, safe location.

Background Statement

The Rose Andom Center opened in the summer of 2016 to become the first Family Justice Center in the Rocky Mountain region. The opening was a culmination of nearly a decade of work from community members with an overall goal of having domestic violence services co-located in one place. As a public/private partnership, the collaborative model of the Rose Andom Center brings together six government and 17 community-based organizations in one building to meet the needs of domestic violence victims and their children. By co-locating services that families need to escape the cycle of violence, the Rose Andom Center better provides for the needs of domestic violence victims. Victims are able to access help with safety planning, counseling for themselves and their children, temporary protection orders and other civil legal options, and can also speak with a police detective or advocate. The Rose Andom Center is a place for finding help during the immediate crisis, and in the following months as victims rebuild their lives.

Organization Data


Organization name

Rose Andom Center

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Mental Health & Crisis Intervention

Organization Size

Large Organization


1330 Fox street
Denver, CO 80204


1330 Fox Street
Denver, CO 80204


PO Box 40095
Denver, CO 80204

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US



Social Media