San Luis Valley Animal Welfare Society

A nonprofit organization

$52,388 raised by 253 donors

100% complete

$0 Goal

The SLVAWS) is an all volunteer, no-kill, 501C3 animal rescue organization serving the impoverished San Luis Valley. We rescue and rehabilitate homeless and unwanted animals from the SLV and adopt them to good homes. We work on animal abuse cases. We operate the SLV Animal Hotline (719-587-WOOF)


The following are a very few of hundreds of testimonials we have gotten over 14 years of the Societies existence. Our facebook page receives many positive comments daily.

Terri - Woo-hoo....thank you for taking a Chance on Chance!! We also adopted a survivor from SLVAWS. Her name is Lucky and she's just the sweetest. She has taken on role of protector and nursemaid in our pack of four. God Bless SLVAWS for all they do and with love and patient hearts may we continue to be the blessings our lucky ones needs

Christina Emma Sophia Thank you Chris for taking care of the dog and giving him a good home. It took me 6months to get Tebow out of the situation he was living in and I was shocked when the previous owner told me, he was living in their backyard for 5years (ONLY) and he didn't saw anything wrong with it. He wasn't chained up, but they put a muzzle over his mouth, when he cried and barked at night and he was 24/7 outside. In the heat but also in the cold (snow & rain). He did not see the fence from the other side, did not get any attention and did not have a shelter to hide for 5years. But now of me knowing, he has a good home, makes me very happy.

And I want to thank you SLVAWS, for all the help afterwords. I did not know what to do with him, when he was given to me. I would have kept him, if I could. But this picture makes me cry. 5years and he finally has a good home, 5years and he finally will gets loved.
Thank you SOOO much!!!!

Sharon SLVAWS - thrilled to hear about any of the pups getting adopted! Thanks for all you do to find homes for the dogs in your rescue. A few months ago you took in my fosters from Houston ... Drake and Coto!

Just thought I would give you an update on Wayne, the little coon hound who I adopted on Saturday from the PetsMart in Colorado Springs. I renamed him Jake and he's taken to it right away. He was terrific in the car going home and when I took him to the dog park. He learned to come to me right away and was not at all hesitant to come back to me at the park. He was able to pick me out of all the other people. It is taking a little time for one of the dogs and one of the cats to get used to him, but there have been no problems. He slept next to my bed last night and stayed asleep until almost 0400 hrs, when he and the other boys had a brief pit stop. Then he slept on the bed for an hour or so with one of the others. He's gotten every toy out and seems happy as a clam. He's a very affectionate boy and is always trying to get one of the others to play with him. Just wanted you all to know this looks like a pretty happy and succesful adoption. Thanks very much for the work you guys do.
Vic Cruikshank 

Hello! We adopted a husky mix in sep. or early oct. I just wanted to let you know how good she is doing! She hasn't had a single behavioral problem, she knows how to sit stay shake and lay down as well :) thank you so much for allowing us to get a perfect pup from you ! She also absolutely loves our other pup. Never will you find one without the other!

Jen and Nat
Thanks for letting us know the status of Tucker's (Ronnie) records.  We've already had him to our vet and he's gotten the lepto as well as a general "physical".  He, unfortunately, has giardia and conjunctivitis of the eye.  Nothing that isn't easily treated.  Otherwise, he's very healthy.  We'll make arrangements to get the distemper/parvo ASAP.
His transition to our home has been GREAT!  The cats have adjusted amazingly well to him and he's become the best buddie to one of them.  They enjoy time outside together and follow each other around the house.  He seems to be housetrained already - no messes yet - and he only chews his toys.  WOO-HOO!  We've had him to the dog park several times for socialization and he does great.  We're working on teaching him to come.  He's close to mastering sit and lay down.  He's very smart!!  We feel like we've hit the doggy jackpot!
I'm attaching a picture of him for you.  You'll see he's already made himself at home!!  We'll bring him to visit at PetSmart when he's had a bit more time to bond with us and doesn't fear that we're leaving him.  THANKS again for everything you do and for giving us the opportunity to enrich our lives with such a special dog.

Pico and Cannon (formally Khloe and Keeper) are amazing!  They brighten our days, every day!  They are so loving and playful and happy and just everything to us...


The San Luis Valley Animal Welfare Society's (SLVAWS) mission is to improve the lives of animals in the San Luis Valley (SLV) of Colorado (especially dogs and cats), and to provide Colorado residents with fine companion animals. We also work to provide SLV residents with small animal services (especially low cost spay/neuter), humane education programs, and opportunities for public service.

Background Statement

The all volunteer SLV Animal Welfare Society was established in 2001 by a few caring people to serve a desperate need to rescue the many homeless often suffering animals in the impoverished San Luis Valley of Colorado. Aileen and Frank Peek mortgaged their home to purchase the abandoned Battle Mountain Gold Mine property and buildings for use as a shelter. The Society secured grant funding from the Animal Assistance Foundation of Denver when it was under the direction of David Gies and Joan Casey to purchase high tech Mason indoor kennels , Priefert outdoor kennels and insulated and heated dog houses for each outdoor kennel. We also have built 7 large fenced dog parks where shelter dogs can run all day and socialize with each other.

Organization Data


Organization name

San Luis Valley Animal Welfare Society

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Small Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Enterprise Zone Credit


76 El Rio Drive
Alamosa, CO 81101

Service areas

Alamosa County, CO, US





Social Media