Organization name
Save the Storks
other names
Human Services
Organization Size
Large Organization
4050 Lee Vance View Suite 300Colorado Springs, CO 80918
El Paso County, CO, US
Create a story of hope and empowerment for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy. Reach the hearts of women facing unplanned pregnancies and save the lives of babies to create a culture that values life. Give compassion, education, and holistic care by accelerating the impact of local pregnancy resource centers and Stork Buses through Save the Storks.
“One of the things that high school and college students are convinced of when it comes to the pro-life movement is that it’s about fighting against people. But the truth is, with a group like Save the Storks, you are fighting for people. You are fighting for the moms, you’re fighting for the children…you’re truly even fighting for the people who would disagree with us when it comes to the value of life.”
"When I saw his little heartbeat,I remember laying there just crying, and at that point, thinking I can’t do this, I cannot have an abortion."
“The work that Save the Storks does on a daily basis is truly transformative and life-saving… Their meaningful partnerships have empowered many women to choose life for their babies. When a woman boards a Stork Bus, she is cared for with compassion and love… Save the Storks is unique in their mission, and they truly approach the pro-life mission with excellence and kindness in all they do.”
“In a world that’s so easy to be known for what you’re against, Save the Storks has given us a better way. We can be known for what we’re for, not what we’re against! We can proclaim the solution and offer real support to abortion-vulnerable women who need to know that they’re not alone.”
"This is REAL women's healthcare! What an amazing story."
"What real empowerment looks like!"
"Along with a free pregnancy test, Rita was offered a free limited ultrasound exam aboard on the Stork Bus to confirm the viability of the pregnancy. There, Rita was able to see the image of her 9-week-old baby: head, body, limbs, and heart pulsing at 155 beats a minute."
Save the Storks exists to create a story of hope and empowerment for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Save the Storks was founded in 2012, and by the end of 2023 together, in partnership with Pregnancy Clinics, over 11,000 babies' lives will have been saved.
Organization name
Save the Storks
other names
Human Services
Organization Size
Large Organization
4050 Lee Vance View Suite 300El Paso County, CO, US