Savory Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in Boulder, Colorado with 50+ regional learning Hubs around the globe. Founded in 2009 and widely recognized as the pioneers of regenerative grazing, the Institute has trained over 28,000 farmers, ranchers, and pastoralists and influenced the management of more than 92 Million acres of grasslands through the adoption of Holistic Planned Grazing – a process that mimics ancestral grazing patterns of wild herbivores that co-evolved with healthy grassland ecosystems.
Developed by Allan Savory in the 1960’s, Holistic Management (HM) has been proven in a wide variety of contexts to regenerate grasslands, build soil, increase biodiversity, and sequester significant amounts of carbon while also improving social and economic outcomes.
Savory’s big audacious goal is to influence management on 1 billion hectares of land and make a significant dent in carbon drawdown before it is too late. Through a growing global network and new programs in the pipeline to accelerate adoption, this goal is not just achievable, but necessary to create a livable planet for many generations to come.
Why grasslands?
Grasslands are a vital yet often under-represented landscape in our global ecosystem. With one-third of the Earth’s landmass -- or roughly 12.5 million acres -- comprised of these vast open spaces, and experts estimating up to 70% dying and turning to desert, now more than even it is critical to support grassland regeneration and in doing so greatly contribute towards climate, food, and water security.
From food and fiber production to soil carbon and wildlife habitat, grasslands provide a host of ecosystem services necessary for all life on this planet. Whether you’re focused on conservation, climate change, wildlife habitat, drought resilience, rural economies, food systems, or animal welfare, supporting Savory Institute allows your organization to scale holistic solutions to a host of inter-related issues.
Scaling through peer-to-peer support
The Savory Global Network is comprised of regionally-based Hubs (learning centers) that provide HM training, resources, and implementation support to local farmers and ranchers. With an intimate knowledge of local culture, economy, policies, and environment, Hubs are able to mentor producers and help them implement these regenerative management practices in a contextually-specific manner that is relevant to their region.
The Savory Global Network currently operates across six continents offering training, mentoring, and land verification to land managers of all types. Since 2009, we are proud to have achieved the following impact:
50 Global Hubs
200+ Accredited educators
28,000+ farmers/ranchers/pastoralists trained
92+ million acres of land holistically managed
Removing barriers for adoption through market forces
Savory’s Land to Market program connects conscientious buyers, brands, and retailers directly to farms and ranches verified to be regenerating their land, creating the world’s first outcomes-based verified regenerative sourcing solution for the food and fiber industries.
To date, 80+ brands and 1,000+ products carry the Land to Market Verified seal. From UGG boots and Eileen Fisher wool cardigans to Kalona Supernatural milk and White Oak Pastures beef, Land to Market has created a marketplace for regenerative agriculture that allows the everyday consumer to align their values with their purchasing power, and in doing so it de-risks the transition to regenerative for conventional producers.
All regenerative claims are backed by the robust metrics of Savory's Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) land monitoring protocol. EOV takes a holistic assessment of ecosystem function –– including water, carbon, and biodiversity –– and trends annual monitoring data to identify if a landbase is regenerating.
To facilitate the large-scale regeneration of the world's grasslands and the livelihoods of their inhabitants, through Holistic Management.
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Organization Data
Organization name
Savory Institute Org Inc
other names
Savory Institute, Savory Global
Year Established 0
Tax id (EIN)
Food, Agriculture & Nutrition, Environment, Animal-Related, Community Improvement & Capacity Building