Scouting Colorado

A nonprofit organization

$190,771 raised by 201 donors

100% complete

$150,000 Goal

Help us change lives! The mission of the Greater Colorado Council, Boy Scouts of America is to equip and empower youth to develop into leaders through life experiences, service, and adventure. Scouting serves all youth and all families across Colorado. Donate today for your impact to go further with the $1.4 million Incentive Fund!

Giving Activity


Our values include: Scouting Creates Leaders. We Adventure Safely. Our Service Makes a Difference. Scouting is for Everyone. You are Welcome Here. Scouting is Fun!

Organization Data


Organization name

Scouting Colorado

other names

Denver Area Council, Boy Scouts of America

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Youth Development

Organization Size

Large Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Child Care Credit


10455 West 6th Avenue Suite 100
Denver, CO 80215

Service areas

Jefferson County, CO, US

Douglas County, CO, US

Denver, CO, US

Adams County, CO, US

Aurora, CO, US


303 455 5522

Social Media