SonFlower Ranch Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

A nonprofit organization

20% complete

$60,000 Goal

Beyond Rehabilitation: Empowering Wildlife to Thrive in Their Natural Habitat

Funds would directly fuel the SFRWRC mission to rescue, rehabilitate, and release Colorado's vulnerable wildlife. 

  • Life-Sustaining Nutrition: Specialized milk replacers, formula, and species-specific diets are essential for orphaned babies, giving them the best chance to grow strong and healthy.

  • Expert Medical Intervention: Veterinary care, including medications, wound treatment, vaccinations, and parasite control, are critical for the recovery of injured animals and the overall health of our facility.

  • Enrichment for Resilience: Habitat enhancements, climbing structures, and engaging toys allow animals to practice natural behaviors, preparing them to successfully reintegrate into the wild and compete with their wild-raised/born counterparts.

What sets us APART?

The Journey Back to the Wild: SFR Provides the Tools & Overwinter Care for a Successful Reintegration

1) Unlike most other facility organizations in our region, SFR Wildlife Rehabilitation Center provides critical, over winter care for orphaned fall babies to ensuring they survive the harsh winter months and are released into the wild when resources are abundant.

2) Prey animals are released with a specially designed home and food supply until they can learn to be wild!  While many predatory animals can be released directly into they wild, prey animals are not used to being hunted while eating.  This specially designed home allows the squirrels to find safety from predators while they navigate building a home and food supply.

Squirrels and taught to use this home in the safety of our outdoor caging.  They are then RELEASED WITH THIS HOME!3) We provide a series of 3 canine distemper-parvo and feline panleukopenia + 1 3yr rabies vaccine to ALL raccoons as well as an Ivermectin injection to squirrels to combat mange.  These measures  help keep the animals AND the community safe! 

By investing in SFRWRC, you're not just saving individual animals; you're supporting a holistic approach to wildlife conservation that addresses both immediate needs and long-term sustainability. With your partnership, we can expand our reach and impact, ensuring that Colorado's precious wildlife receives the care and protection it deserves.


SFR Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (SFRWRC) is dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing injured and orphaned wildlife back to their natural environments and educating the public about living harmoniously with Colorado’s wildlife.

Background Statement

2016: Founded by Keith Gunn on August 25th, 2016 in Brighton, Colorado after getting his rehabilitation license with Sponsor Carol Monaco.

2016: In its first year the rehab center's team consisted solely of Keith who worked out of a small room of his home designated for wildlife rehabilitation. Often working around the clock he managed to rescue 91 animals that year.

2017: With the help of a single volunteer SFRWRC was able to help 129 animals in 2017. Then, in June of 2017 SFR Wildlife Rehabilitation center field for their 501c3 and officially became a nonprofit organization

2019: Growth continued and 2019 saw the saving of 131 animals. With the operation quickly outgrowing the confinements of the small rehabilitation room a larger space was sought.

2020: Through the generous donation of a modular trailer we were able to move the operation out of Keith's home and into a trailer on SonFlower Ranch's property. The expansion of the rehab center allowed SFRWRC to take on more volunteers which in turn enabled us to take in more animals. Our volunteers treated 187 wild animals in 2020!!!!

2022-2023: With the need for rehabilitation centers continuing to grow a 3200sqft rehabilitation center fitted with multiple rehabilitation areas and two operating/procedural areas was generously funded by a community of donors.

In 2024 SFRWRC was able to take in over 250 animals AND GROWING.

While the animals we rehabilitate primarily include small mammals, the outdoor caging for foxes and bobcats has begun as of Fall 2024. Our continued commitment to CO's wildlife includes an ever-growing list of species.

The SonFlower Ranch Wildlife Rehabilitation Center has come a long way in its ability to serve the wildlife of Colorado - yet there is still so much more we can and will do! In order to manifest our dreams of caring for a wider variety of wildlife species we rely on the generosity and support of our communities. Our fundraising needs and efforts are ever-growing and we host festivals and events throughout the year including the highly anticipated annual auction & dinner held in September. With your support we continue to provide for Colorado's wildlife which both serve to maintain healthy ecosystems in our beautiful state and deserve to thrive.

Organization Data


Organization name

SonFlower Ranch Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

other names

SFR Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Medium Organization


15445 Powhaton Road
Brighton, CO 80603

Service areas

Weld County, CO, US

Adams County, CO, US

Denver, CO, US

Boulder County, CO, US



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