Your contributions to Space Foundation — no matter how much or how often, help us create and deliver education and awareness programs — support expansion of our Discovery Center, forge relationships among space-faring nations and put stars in the eyes of future explorers.
Our impact through a cadre of principal programs in the last year includes:
• 80,000+ people, locally, nationally, and around the globe, served
• 20,000+ students and teachers, primarily in Colorado but also from around the globe, received in-person, hands-on STEM education with cutting-edge technology tools and curriculum
• Over 225 school field trips taken to our Space Foundation Discovery Center
• 20% of field trip students were funded by scholarships, serving from rural and/or Title 1 Colorado schools, reaching low-income, at-risk and under-represented students
• 40,000+ annual visitors to Space Foundation Discovery Center, including families, military, community groups, youth groups, tourists, teachers and students
• 8,000+ kids, adults, families and tourists participated in interactive exhibits and STEAM workshops during our annual 10-week 'Summer of Discovery' program
• 10,000+ hours worked by 380 volunteers
• 4,578 young artists from 57 countries, 37 U.S. states, ages 3 through 18, submitted original artwork for our International Student Art Contest