Bio-Brian Hall: Brian grew up in Colorado Springs. Father, Jerry Hall, was stationed at Ent AFB, 1959 until retiring in 1967. Now, location of Olympic Training Center. Brian graduated from Coronado High School, 1972. Hired on with Mountain Bell, March 1972. Worked part time, then full time after graduation. Retired from Qwest Communications 2004, after 30yrs, as Central Office Technician. Daughter, Heather, went through divorce in 2004. Brian & Marti Hall move daughter & 2 grandchildren, Brian & Kayla Thomas, back to Colorado Springs from Ohio. Grandson, Brian has severe Autism. Took all of 2004 & early 2005 to find any services for Brian Thomas. Colorado was lacking for any services for autism, at that time. In 2005, Brian Hall & friend, Gregg Whelen, decided to start a nonprofit for autism. To help other families find the resources for services & therapies. Name is Stomp Out the Silence of Autism & Disabilities Inc. Rebranded in 2015 to DBA: Help Autism & Help Autism Center. Since 2005, Help Autism Center, helps special needs families, find the resources for services & therapies. Raising awareness, acceptance, inclusion & advocating. Sponsoring & supporting multiple events & programs, including, Help Autism Service Dogs. Help Autism Center collaborates with organizations that have similar goals.