Family Learning Center, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

$110,960 raised by 156 donors

100% complete

$0 Goal

Located in Boulder, The Family Learning Center invites you to join us in helping families and children thrive in our community, by making a cash donation and or volunteering today!


Established in 1981 by community organizer Brenda Lyle and local advocates and parents, The Family Learning Center (FLC) began as an early childhood co-op for 43 low-income preschool children and their families. For more than 34 years, FLC has provided low-income and culturally diverse children and families in Boulder County with valuable opportunities to become educated, productive members of society. Our function is not only to offer tools for success throughout life but to pass the baton on to generations that follow, realizing that the power of one becomes the power of many. This is accomplished through programs that provide training opportunities for the entire family. We seek to inspire and empower students of all ages for long-term success. Today, FLC has grown to become a robust human services agency, serving over 2,000 children and families each year with programs and training in early childhood education, health and wellness, youth development and family literacy. Our families share a strong work ethic and a deep commitment to improving the quality of life for their children and themselves. After 34 years in existence, many generations of families have participated in our programs. Over the years we have been fortunate enough to touch the lives of more than 14,000 children and parents who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to gain the confidence and skills necessary to succeed in life.

As one mother explains:
"The Family Learning Center staff helped me greatly to keep my son on track for high school graduation, they also provided a lot of emotional support and resources for me as a parent- it was like having another co-parent helping me, to help my child stay on track and helping me not be so stressed or feeling alone. I would recommend their programs to all parents who want and need a little help in helping their child achieve academically" - Nita


To encourage successful lifelong learning, health and wellness, and economic self-sufficiency for families of diverse cultures and limited incomes, in a learning environment where families feel nurtured, respected, and empowered

Background Statement

Founded in June, 1981, The Family Learning Center (FLC), an IRS recognized Section 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt, non-profit entity, is a grass roots community organization committed to the belief that every child has the unalienable right to pursue a life filled with meaningful pathways to mature into a happy and productive human being - a life made possible through educational and economic sustainability opportunities for the child's entire family. The FLC's passions are to save our children from lives of limited opportunities. For over forty years, the Center has been at the forefront of helping to educate poor and minority children, and to provide support services to their families. Located next to the San Juan del Centro, the largest and oldest low-income housing development in Boulder, Colorado, the Family Learning Center serves over 2,000 children and their families annually, educate children from kindergarten through high school, provide comprehensive health and wellness wrap around family support services, and are the fourth largest distributor of food for economically disadvantaged families throughout Boulder County.

The Family Learning Center is the only program in Boulder County that offers wrap around services, from "cradle to career", to students and their families. It is the only program to deliver a fully comprehensive, public school accredited course work program, to high school students, including educational classes in all subject areas needed for high school graduation and college acceptance. Complementing the educational curriculum are health and wellness offerings and career building activities. The Center has consistently produced positive results measured by increased academic success, parental involvement, and greater literacy at all levels (preschool, elementary, middle/high school and adult) for the community it serves. It is particularly known for its successful and innovative programs for low-income and minority elementary, middle and high school students.

Principle Programs

For over forty years, the Family Learning Center has provided early childhood, youth and family development, health and wellness prevention pathways and "out of poverty" programs to low-income and minority children and their families.

Community Collaboration and Partnerships

The Center has long standing working relationships with the University of Colorado, the City of Boulder, Boulder County, local business community, local civic and religious organizations, as well as with other community agencies (Mental Health, Social Services, Boulder Health Center, etc.), and is known for its cultural inclusion, as represented in the staff, community partners and clients

Organization Data


Organization name

Family Learning Center, Inc.

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Large Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Child Care Credit


3164 34th Street
Boulder, CO 80301

Service areas

Boulder County, CO, US





Social Media