Douglas County School District is home to more than 68,000 students who spend sixty million hours each year thinking, learning and growing. The Foundation brings our community together to open doors for our students and ensure they have every opportunity they need to succeed. Will you join us?
"The Career Expo was a huge success. Our kids loved it and our teachers found it very helpful and insightful. Please know this day will stay with our kids for a long time. Thanks again for a job well done!"
~ Karen Tarbell, Former Principal, Cimarron Middle School
"Thank you so much for the help with school supplies. You are a blessing for families!"
~ The Seeger Family
"I am so grateful that all of my students were able to attend our field trip to The Wildlife Experience without financial hardship to their families. The activities provided valuable extensions to our study of life science. Thank you for your tireless efforts in supporting education for our Douglas County students."
~ Pam Newton, 4th Grade Teacher, Mammoth Heights Elementary
"Hello from Mesa Middle School! we want to say THANK YOU for your continued support, which enables us to visit International Towne. Students learn so much about themselves and the world!"
"I'm so honored to be selected from such a lofty group of finalists. The work you are doing is so important for teachers and the community. This collaboration is what makes us great."
~ John McKinney, 2012 Apple Award Winner
"We are so grateful for all of your assistance throughout the years! Our kids would miss out on some great experiences without your help. Thank you very much!"
~ Aaron McLean, 6th Grade Teacher
"Thank you for filling all of the school supplies orders for our teachers and learning centers. It was like Christmas around here when the DCSD mail truck came by. Everyone is so grateful for the supplies!"
~ Melanie Stone, Administrator, Hope Online Learning Academy Co-op
"My students actually cheered out loud when we got new pencils!"
~ Joel Stewart, Teacher, Northridge Elementary School
"Thank you for an amazing evening at the Apple Awards. In these trying times, having the opportunity to celebrate our accomplished teachers is both renewing and uplifting."
~ Julie Mayes Davidson, Cougar Run Elementary
"I am at the halfway point of my Master's program, with six classes completed! My success this far is owed to the support of the DCEF and my husband. Thank you!"
~ Karen Hiatt, JIU Staff Development Scholarship Recipient