The Vegetable Connection

A nonprofit organization

13 donors

35% complete

$10,000 Goal

At TVC we believe everyone should have access to nutritious food no matter what his or her level of income, supporting local farms is important for food security and economic development, It is important for people to understand how food is grown, and community is nourishing.


"Without the help of The Vegetable Connection, we would not have been able to afford the CSA share. My husband is a social worker and I stay at home with our kids. Not only did this wonderful program help us afford the CSA, it also exposed us to tastings of new foods and taught us how to make sauerkraut. Thank you. Thank you for your generosity, your willingness to teach us new skills and for helping make sure we had healthy food in our home each week."
"This was a very educational and positive experience for our kids as well as us. My young boys were able to see the farm and help pickup/ harvest the food. Choices for dinner was centered around what we received from the CSA which created a healthier option. "
"Without assistance, my financial resources don't allow me to consume as many fresh vegetables. I couldn't have afforded a vegetable share without it! It was how I ate all summer. Thank you!! "


Improve Northern Colorado's food resilience by supporting families in need through nutrition education and assisting with access to locally grown nutritious food from our partner farms.

Background Statement

The Vegetable Connection's roots began growing in 2009 when the Stenson Family of Happy Heart Farm gave vegetable shares to six local, low­-income families. The Vegetable Connection worked with HHF through 2016 when the Stensons retired. We expanded our farm partnerships to include seven other local CSA farms focused on using sustainable, regenerative growing methods. We have helped more than 250 unduplicated families access shares from these farms in thirteen years.

As research began to highlight the importance of the education and empowerment of children and adults in achieving long-lasting positive health outcomes, we joined forces with the Food School, now called Nutrition Education in 2016.

We provide fresh, local vegetables to families through the summer growing season and 20 families during the winter share program. We provide in-person nutrition and cooking workshops as well as on line resources for learning more about the importance of eating a vegetable-based diet with a variety of vegetable types. The families participate in the farms' CSA communities and learn where and how their food is grown.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Vegetable Connection

other names

Friends of Happy Heart Farm

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Food, Agriculture & Nutrition

Organization Size

Small Organization


PO Box 812
Fort Collins, CO 80522-812

Service areas

Larimer County, CO, US