Background Statement
The Vegetable Connection's roots began growing in 2009 when the Stenson Family of Happy Heart Farm gave vegetable shares to six local, low-income families. The Vegetable Connection worked with HHF through 2016 when the Stensons retired. We expanded our farm partnerships to include seven other local CSA farms focused on using sustainable, regenerative growing methods. We have helped more than 250 unduplicated families access shares from these farms in thirteen years.
As research began to highlight the importance of the education and empowerment of children and adults in achieving long-lasting positive health outcomes, we joined forces with the Food School, now called Nutrition Education in 2016.
We provide fresh, local vegetables to families through the summer growing season and 20 families during the winter share program. We provide in-person nutrition and cooking workshops as well as on line resources for learning more about the importance of eating a vegetable-based diet with a variety of vegetable types. The families participate in the farms' CSA communities and learn where and how their food is grown.