Thor and Athena's Promise Sanctuary

A nonprofit organization

$549 raised by 10 donors

5% complete

$10,000 Goal

We take in Draft horses who have been neglected, abused or thrown away when they can no longer work.  We provide lifetime, loving care at our sanctuary.  We educate that horses do not need a job to have value!  We will not separate bonded buddies, so you'll see some smaller horses who arrived with their bonded Draft partner.  After going through intense rehab, we noticed our horses still needed their one-on-one time with us.  They crave human connection and love being loved on.  We found the perfect fit.  We are excited that we have been approved to offer Connected Horse, a program for people with beginning stages of memory loss and their family caregivers.  UC Davis Medical Center and Stanford University studied the affects that horses have with people diagnosed with memory loss.  The results were astounding.  When standing near a horse, a horse's heart rate will slow a human's heart rate, creating peace and calming anxiety.  The families in these studies loved that their family could be together for something so peaceful and joyful.  They were no longer "person diagnosed" and "caregiver", they were family again, enjoying something fulfilling again.  It also helped with cognitive skills.  Robert Redford has also endorsed Connected Horse. 

When a horse arrives at our sanctuary, we bring in our amazing veterinarian team for bloodwork and X-rays. With the results, we implement a treatment plan. We have their teeth done to ensure the ability to eat pain free and gain weight. For example:  Clio the Clydesdale came emaciated and barely eating. X-rays revealed a broken jaw from rotten teeth! She underwent surgery to remove 7 rotten teeth. We fed small meals every hour, 10 times a day, for 4 months. We cleaned and treated her painful wounds daily while she held still, knowing we were helping her. Clio gained 450 lbs, living a beautiful life with Zena the Shire and Kia the Clydesdale. 

Arianna was thrown away for having lymphangitis (large leg) that went untreated. The lymph nodes do not work to flush fluid back into the system, so it pools into the leg. There is no cure, but it is managed with vet care, special feed and daily compression wrapping.  In return Arianna gives hugs! She didn't deserve to be thrown away.  She is so sweet, calm, and the "Ambassador". She lets all new horses know it's going to be okay.

Bo the Belgian came to us at 30+ years old, with canker in all 4 hooves! With our vet and farrier team, we spent months fighting for Bo, daily wrapping his hooves.  They all healed!  Bo has touched many people who have spent time with him.  Bo proves seniors have value!  When he let us know it was his time, it ripped our hearts into pieces.  But we have to keep fighting for those who need us, no matter how hard it is to lose them some day.  

We have 3 Shire Drafts who are endangered.  Their numbers are so very low, they have been listed as "critical" in England, where they originate.  Zena the Shire was found emaciated and abused at an auction.  We got her out of there before she got on the wrong trailer.  We just took in 2 Shire babies so they wouldn't have to end up in neglect or abused before being saved.  They will be protected and safe for life.  Watch our instagram page to watch them grow!  

Our sanctuary is named after our first rescue horses, Thor & Athena. In 2005, we learned through these PMU babies the atrocities of the pharmaceutical industry. Please Google pregnant mare urine for hormone therapy & the abuse to Draft mares & their babies deemed bi-products.

Our Needs

HAY!! We go through over 60 bales per week. Hay & specialized grain and supplements = $4000 / month.

Vet intake $450 per Draft horse (including teeth, bloodwork, vaccinations, wormer & xrays)

Pain meds $50 per bottle.

Vaccinations $150 per Draft horse.

Teeth $200 per horse

Wormer is $250 for a group of about 10 Draft horses

Cushings med Prascend $600 year

Farrier work is $75 per Draft every 5 weeks.

Our Draft horses come to us in poor health, some in severe neglect. Our Drafts will be on medication or therapy at various times or for the remainder of their lives. The benefits of being pain free after a lifetime of hard work or abuse is worth it! They deserve this loving care and give so much in return.

Arianna's daily leg wrapping at $200 per month. She needs special feed since she cannot have high amounts of protein or alfalfa. Pain medicine and antibiotics are needed when an infection develops from time to time at $100. She also has Cushings and needs Prascend. 

Kia the Clydesdale came in as a PMU baby at 6 months old.  She is now 19!  She has just been diagnosed with lymphoma cancer and Cushings.  Her meds are $200 per month. 


We are a 501(c)(3) sanctuary for abused Draft horses who were to be euthanized or sent to slaughter. Most of our Drafts came suffering from starvation or neglected injuries. We also take in senior Drafts who are thrown away when no longer able to work. We believe a horse does not need a job to have value! We provide rehabilitation with our vet & farrier team. When they arrive at our sanctuary, it begins a life of loving care. Draft horses served in our wars & worked our farms. They deserve better. We also preserve the Shire horse with fewer than 5,000 worldwide & on the Endangered list! We are expanding our program to help people diagnosed with memory loss & their caregivers. We are completing a certification through Connected Horse. With their studies by UC Davis Medical Center and Stanford University, we will offer their program free for families with this diagnosis. Their study shows horses can help with cognitive skills and relieve anxiety, with brushing, leading, or picking hooves. It has a personal connection with our families. It's a beautiful way to bring loving value to all lives!

Background Statement

Organization Data


Organization name

Thor and Athena's Promise Sanctuary

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Small Organization


11605 Meridian Market View Unit 124 #242
Falcon, CO 80831

Colorado Location

11605 Meridian Market View Unit 124 Box 242
Falcon, CO 80831

Service areas

El Paso County, CO, US



Social Media