Thrive Ministry

A nonprofit organization

$46,189 raised by 64 donors

100% complete

$0 Goal

Our Vision is to be global leaders, providing expertise and setting excellent standards of care for Global Women. We believe Global Women will thrive, in part because individuals, churches, and mission agencies provide holistic, pro-active care.


"I have not been to a women's retreat in 14 years and I have never been to one in my part of the world.
The moment I stepped into worship time the Holy Spirit started ministering to me. It was such a release to be with women that I could feel comfortable and be transparent with. The biggest thing to know is that people care and that so many people have come so far to wait on us hand and foot. It's been a time of worship, prayer, ministry, fun, laughter and lots of fun girl things too and that's something I haven't had for such a long time. It's been a wonderful retreat and I am getting home refreshed and encouraged and lifted up in my spirit and in the rest of me. So thank you and God bless you very much." a Retreat Attendee

I wanted to be sure to thank you, the other administrators, leaders, volunteers, and donors that made this possible for her to be a part of this rejuvenating time in her life. a Retreat Attendee's Husband

What a delight to begin to see the faces whose names we have been lifting up to the father and who we have been preparing to love on and serve! What a joy to begin to hear stories, to share tears, to share laughter, to experience God together. a Retreat Volunteer

This conference satisfies the participants holistically and may be one of the reasons women leave so meets the needs of the women-body, mind and spirit. All the elements that a woman needs. a Retreat Volunteer

"I remember when you announced how many pieces of clothing were available. It wasn't the clothing itself that hit me. It was the number of items-clothing and books. It was knowing that that much was lavished on us. It is just love. It's just what I needed. I needed acceptance, I needed love."


Ministering to her needs holistically: spiritual, emotional and physical.

Background Statement


In 2005, the magazine transitioned from a printed publication to an onlineMagazine distributed electronically worldwide. Since the transition, subscriptions have grown from approximately 3,000 to over 10,000. By going online, we were also able to stop charging subscription fees and begin providing all of our electronic publications free of charge.

Current Publications Include:

Bi-monthly Online Magazine: all articles are written by missionary women for missionary women

Weekly Word: in-depth Bible study written specifically for missionary women

Harvest Legacy: quarterly newsletter for parents and extended family of missionary women

Harvest Connection: bimonthly newsletter providing extensive up to date pulse on the ministry

Picture Praise: weekly publication of photos submitted by missionary women around the world with a scripture theme

Organization Data


Organization name

Thrive Ministry

other names

Thrive, Women of the Harvest

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Religion-Related, Mental Health & Crisis Intervention, Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization


9150 W Jewell Ave Suite 102
Lakewood, CO 80232

Service areas

Jefferson County, CO, US





Social Media