Trees, Water, & People

A nonprofit organization

$39,945 raised by 154 donors

80% complete

$50,000 Goal

Trees, Water & People is guided by the philosophy that the best way to fight climate change is to involve local people directly in the design and implementation of environmental and economic development initiatives.

Letting local people lead creates ownership, involvement, investment, and financial sustainability. The challenges we’re facing as a planet require that we work with communities as allies, listen to their ideas, priorities and aspirations, then co-invest in creating a healthier future. 


"There are hundreds of very good causes and organizations out there, all needing funding - now more than ever. If our giving is to have meaningful impact, we have to make choices, as hard as that may be. I make my choices carefully, and TWP is one of them. Not only does it meet my basic criteria (financial health and efficiency, good reputation, positive recognition from independent organizations), but it also reflects my personal concerns." - Pam Griffin, TWP Donor


Trees, Water & People is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving people's lives by helping communities to protect, conserve and manage the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends.

Background Statement

Trees, Water & People was founded in 1998 and is staffed by a group of dedicated conservationists who feel strongly about helping communities to protect, conserve, and manage the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends.

Trees, Water & People offers real solutions and opportunities that change lives. We are conveners, connectors, and facilitators who carefully manage our resources to maximize benefit across the communities we serve. We serve environmentally vulnerable populations in Central America and on Indigenous Lands in North America to address energy, gender, educational, environmental and health equity in order to escape cycles of poverty and environmental degradation.

At TWP, we are dedicated to moving people beyond survival - to a greater success. We hope you will join us in this effort!

Organization Data


Organization name

Trees, Water, & People

other names


Year Established




Organization Size

Large Organization


633 Remington St.
Fort Collins, CO 80524

Service areas

Larimer County, CO, US



Social Media