True North Youth Program

A nonprofit organization

$77,539 raised by 110 donors

With the support of adult Navigators we envision that every teen participant in True North Youth Program will graduate from High School with a plan and a path to follow into adulthood. We are an all-inclusive organization with hopes to help every teen succeed through high school and beyond.


"All of the True North activities they do along the way help to strengthen their resume so when the time comes to apply for scholarships, they are truly a well-rounded individual and a competitive candidate." - Daily Planet article

"True North has been a leader and conduit in youth programming in the area. Schools and partners rely on True North’s expertise and strong relationships to initiate new ideas and whole community programs for the youth."
- Tony Grampsas Youth Services (TGYS) Representative

"Being part of True North’s activities has genuinely changed my life. I struggle with severe anxiety and the True North rafting trip was the single most eye opening experience I have been a part of. It allowed me to see life as more fluid because, yes, we are finite, but there is so much beauty in life that it’s not worth constant anxiety. True North has also introduced me to so many amazing people that all helped the person I am today." - Nucla Student, upon her graduation from high school

"Thank you so much for taking the time to help plan and supervise amazing activities and opportunities for us. Thank you so much for helping me find a job and helping me work through everything with my [previous employer] and grow professionally." - Norwood Student, Spring 2024

Student Success Story:
We have known David since he was five years old. During Kindergarten, David lost his father tragically to a heart attack and has since been raised by his single mother. When he was 11, his mother had twins, but she also continued to provide financial support for the whole family by working as a cleaning staff for a local hotel. Thus, David became the primary caregiver for his twin siblings, and spent an average of 40 hours per week walking them home from school, helping them with homework, preparing their meals, and putting them to bed. Once his brother and sister were in bed, David would start his homework, around 8pm every night. David never had time for any extracurricular activities or sports. However, even with his free time taken by childcare responsibilities, he managed to maintain a 3.2 GPA. David participated in True North community service activities when he was able, and True North volunteers helped him to participate by making accommodations for his younger siblings and even offering child care. True North found David a part time summer job and then facilitated David's enrollment in a leadership program through Telluride Academy and covered his lost wages so he could participate. During David's senior year in high school, True North practiced "intrusive advising" by maintaining consistent communication and encouraged him to apply for certain scholarships. David was accepted into University of Colorado at Boulder Leeds School of Business and was invited to participate in a Scholar's Summer Bridge Program. Additionally, he was awarded a generous institutional financial aid package, as well as numerous local scholarships, including True North's Skyler Kelly Memorial Scholarship. He is now able to attend college without taking on any loans. True North was also able to equip David with a bicycle to take to CU in the fall, a gift to the organization from a donor. David thanked True North in his graduation speech. 

David graduated in the spring of 2023 from the Leeds School of Business, maintaining a 3.7 GPA. He became just the second Latino alum of Telluride High School to go on to graduate with a four-year degree. During the summer of 2021, True North helped David update his resume and connected him with a paid internship at Alpine Bank while he was home in Telluride. He was then able to transfer to an Alpine Bank in Boulder when he returned for the start of his junior year in school. Upon his graduation, David was offered a full-time job at Alpine Bank. We are so proud of David's success, and grateful for the opportunity to support him along his journey. 


True North inspires individual determination and teaches self-advocacy by providing year round positive youth development programs for teens in our rural San Miguel region who have limited access to resources, opportunities, and support.

Background Statement

In February 2014 three longtime mentoring professionals, with over forty years of combined experience working with youth, along with several leaders in the community, Social Services, and Nonprofit sectors, identified a serious service gap among our region's teen population. Due to a lack of family and financial support, many teens were not thriving; were not preparing for their future; were not succeeding in their academics; and were not having positive experiences in their social life. There had been no teen specific programs that provided them with positive youth development engagement and growth opportunities outside of school or sports.

True North Youth Program fills the gap by providing year-round, free programming for teens in five Pillar Programs: Community Service Learning, Academic Tutoring and Support, Experiential Wilderness Education, Rising Stars Summer Bridge Program and College, Career and Scholarship Prep. We've grown from an all volunteer organization, to now having 3 staff and from serving 6 students to over 150 students and their families. We look forward to continuing the growth of the True North family, so reach out and get involved!

Organization Data


Organization name

True North Youth Program

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Youth Development

Organization Size

Medium Organization


Telluride, CO 81435


PO Box 2072
Telluride, CO 81435


305 Society Dr. C-3
Telluride, CO 81435

Service areas

San Miguel County, CO, US


970 708 1986

Social Media