Background Statement
Vail Christian Academy was founded with the following learning expectations for students. VCA students will be:
• Active learners who show initiative by setting priorities and achievable goals, taking responsibility for pursuing their goals, monitoring and evaluating their progress with their teacher's guidance, exploring their options and assuming responsibility for their actions.
• Effective communicators who listen, express their thoughts, feelings and needs through verbal, non-verbal, written and artistic forms of communication that facilitate their interacting appropriately with others.
• Resourceful thinkers who seek, identify, apply and evaluate information through reasoning, decision-making and complex problem solving.
• Innovative producers who demonstrate a positive work ethic and personal pride in creating intellectual, artistic and practical products and services that reflect originality, high quality and use of resources.
• Caring friends who use effective interpersonal skills to establish and sustain mutually supportive relationships that demonstrate acceptance, appreciation, admiration with peers, family members and others.
• Responsible citizens who take the initiative to devote time and talents to improve the welfare and quality of life for themselves and others within the diverse communities of the world.
• Men and women of God whose desire is to seek the will of God and to serve Him through prayer, devotion, words and behavior."