Valley Meals and More

A nonprofit organization

$3,209 raised by 15 donors

They wait at the door, glancing out the window, 

patiently waiting to hear the sound of an approaching vehicle carrying delicious cargo and a visitor, 

perhaps the only friendly face they will see all day.

As they hear the familiar crunch of ice and gravel, a smile forms as their favorite volunteer (they are all their favorites 😉) appears on the drive and alights from the vehicle with a hot meal in hand, accompanied with a boisterous greeting. They open their door, welcoming in their most treasured part of the day. 

Being invited into their homes, and listening to them share a little part of their lives, is an honor and a privilege.

This is a scenario that is repeated over 135 times each delivery day, including holidays.  

Your gift today delivers so much more than nutritious meals to our local older adults, many who crave the social interaction as much as the meal itself.  Valley Meals' meals on wheels program provides:  

    • A symbol of care & support
    • A safety check on behalf of loved ones near & far
    • A reminder that our elders are a valuable part of our community.
    • A weekly delivery of over 563 meals to isolated, lonely and/or homebound older adults - that's over 28,000 meals in 2024!

Your generous donation to Valley Meals can mean the difference between an older adult continuing to live in the warmth, comfort and familiarity of their life-long home, and an unwelcomed and premature transfer to an elder care facility.


A Valley Meals home delivery each day, helps keep the doctor away!

Thank you for supporting us in our mission to provide services to allow older residents to age in place, safely, independently and with dignity.

Giving Activity


Valley Meals and More's mission is to enhance the wellness of older adults in the region by providing access to nutritious daily meals and connection to community members, to allow older residents to age in place, safely, independently and with dignity.

Background Statement

Valley Meals and More (Valley Meals), a Colorado 501c3, was formed in 2020 to fill a gap in older adult services – home delivered meals - in rural Garfield County. The pilot program served 8 homebound older adults, 2 days/week, with meals sourced/delivered from nearby Eagle County. Soon thereafter, the pandemic broke out and Valley Meals became a critical resource for daily access to nutritious food for over 80 older adults, living in and around Carbondale, El Jebel and the Crystal Valley, as they stayed “safer at home.”

In August 2022, Valley View Hospital suspended their Meals on Wheels program in Glenwood Springs and transferred their 15 meal recipients to the Valley Meals Program, expanding the Valley Meals service area to include West Glenwood, Four Mile, and Glenwood Springs and doubling the number of volunteers needed daily. The number of meal recipients in the Glenwood Springs area has grown by over 500% to 95 unique elder individuals.

Since its inception, Valley Meals has been successful in planning, purchasing, and delivering meals to over 300 older adults, at no cost to them, using non-profit, private, and governmental funding.

Organization Data


Organization name

Valley Meals and More

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services, Food, Agriculture & Nutrition

Organization Size

Medium Organization



Service areas

Garfield County, CO, US

Carbondale, CO, US, 81623

Glenwood Springs, CO, US, 81601