The mission of the Wheat Ridge High School Music (WRHS) Boosters is to promote and support the activities of WRHS's outstanding instrumental music program.
"The instrumental music program at Wheat Ridge High School was probably the single most important thing that kept my daughter interested in school, and, at one point in her time at WRHS, probably the ONLY thing that kept her from dropping out. This music program has taught her more about leadership, professionalism, and compassion for others than anything else she experienced in her entire K-12 experience. It provided a place where she felt she belonged and that motivated her to become something. The arts are critical in our young people's education and must be maintained. The arts make the world a much better place. Without them, we will be cheating our kids of a very critical aspect of their education."
- Dr. Charles A. Ferguson
"Marching band helped our daughters become better citizens by working together with a team for a common cause. They developed self esteem and confidence which helped them to become better adults. They learned the benefits of hard work. Band was a great influence in their lives."
- John and Kenda Hallinan
"The friendships, performance opportunities, and leadership experiences that the Wheat Ridge High School music program afforded our daughter were invaluable. The program served as an anchor that helped her successfully navigate high school and provided the foundation she continues to rely upon today."
-Chuck Moozakis