Warrior StoryField

A nonprofit organization

$18,573 raised by 40 donors

Who we are and why

The Warrior StoryField is an all-volunteer team of veterans and civilians collaborating to build two large sculptures that explore this question through art: what does it take to come home from war?

As we explore we are transforming our conversations into three sculptures: a dragon, a phoenix, and the mysterious space-in-between.

This is a place of doing, making, and imagining. We hammer, cut, heat, shape, and weld our personal and communal expressions into our sculptures.

For the last ten years, our walk through the unknowable is the awe and wonder that keeps us making art.

One day, we hope to place the Dragon and Phoenix on a large tract of beautiful land. There they will face each other in an eternal stare. Hopefully, the “Space-in-Between” these two powerful symbols will become our community gathering place where we listen to and share our stories of coming home from war—a place where we continue to ask questions that we know will never have clear answers.

All donations go directly to buying materials for creating the sculptures and supporting the team as they create the sculptures. There are no salaried positions or paid staff.

Giving Activity


Our mission is to build and create a sanctuary, a sacred environment, where veterans can share their stories of going to war, service, and the experience of coming home. To speak the unspoken, to speak the unspeakable.

Through the expression of art, the StoryField provides a bridge between the Warrior experience and the civilian community to honor those who served, those living, and their journey of returning. It is a sacred space where non-veterans can come to listen, learn, and share their journey.

Background Statement

There is a divide between those who served in the military and those who have not. The men and women who went to war are not the men and women who return. They are forever changed by their experience. Those of us who have not experienced war struggle to understand the challenges facing our returning warriors whose wounds are both seen and unseen.

Where can veterans go to be heard and appreciated by the community they protected? Where can civilians go to hear these stories so they can carry their share of the burden of war?

We have seen that a team of veterans and civilians collaborating on a large work of art stimulates community dialogue and serves as a powerful conduit for the voice of veterans, their families and their community.

Organization Data


Organization name

Warrior StoryField

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Military & Veterans Organizations, Arts, Culture & Humanities, Community Improvement & Capacity Building, Education, Employment, Public & Societal Benefit, Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy

Organization Size

Small Organization



Service areas

Boulder County, CO, US