Wildfire Adapted Partnership

A nonprofit organization

$360 raised by 5 donors

6% complete

$6,500 Goal

Wildfire Adapted Partnership (WAP) works with local residents and partner agencies in SW Colorado to offer free wildfire preparedness education and risk mitigation programs that help protect lives and property from wildfire.

Wildfire Adapted Partnership (WAP) programs include an extensive Neighborhood Ambassador program with over 150 volunteers in 100 communities, wildfire preparedness education and workshops, free Wildfire Risk Site Visits, and mitigation incentive programs. In 2024, WAP completed over 300 free Wildfire Risk Site Assessments in 5 counties and fulfill their mission through regular workshops, trainings, and community meetings that bring together the general public, partners, and Neighborhood Ambassadors. WAP Mitigation Incentive Programs (Defensible Space Cost Share, Community Kickstart, and Chipper Rebate) offer financial incentives to creating defensible space and last year WAP's incentive programs helped treat over 850 acres on private and shared property. We need your donation to continue this important work in southwest Colorado! 

Your donation will support our programs, empower our Neighborhood Ambassadors, and support wildfire adaptation efforts throughout SW Colorado.   


Wildfire Education and Outreach

Wildfire Adapted provides wildfire preparedness education and outreach to the residents of southwest Colorado. WAP gave 242 free educational Wildfire Risk Site Assessments in 5 counties. WAP accomplishes their mission through regular Fire Council meetings and other community meetings (such as HOA meetings, local collaborative groups, presentations in schools, and other events) that bring together the general public, partners and Neighborhood Ambassadors. Additionally, Wildfire Adapted holds trainings and workshops related to the home ignition zone, chainsaw safety and mitigation 101 throughout the year that are open to the public.

Wildfire Mitigation Incentive Programs 

Wildfire Adapted offers several incentive programs (Community Grants, Chipper Rebate, Defensible Space Cost Share Program) to help residents offset some of the expenses associated with both wildfire risk mitigation work and the disposal of slash.  Wildfire Adapted performs wildfire risk assessments for local residents and can provide a scope of work on how to make their homes safer by creating defensible space.   Depending on grant funding, Wildfire Adapted can help residents by partially reimbursing the expenses of completing the scope of work.  Wildfire Adapted also offers a Chipper Rebate Program that will help offset some of the expenses for individuals or HOAs who rent a chipper or hire a crew to remove of dangerous slash from mitigation activities.

Neighborhood Ambassador Program 

Wildfire Adapted Partnership manages a unique Neighborhood Ambassador Program which is the backbone of our organization. 157 volunteer Ambassadors in 100 communities lead by example and serve as catalysts within their neighborhoods, encouraging their neighbors to become more aware, active and prepared for wildfires. Wildfire Adapted supports Ambassadors through ongoing training, support, education, access to wildfire information experts, and notice of grant opportunities to help their high-wildfire-risk neighborhoods become more fire adapted.


Wildfire Adapted Partnership (WAP) inspires, educates and enables individuals and communities to protect lives and property from wildfire.

Background Statement

Wildfires have always occurred throughout Colorado. In 2002, the Missionary Ridge Fire near Durango burned about 70,000 acres and destroyed 56 homes and outbuildings. Following the fire in 2003, Durango Fire & Rescue Authority hosted a Firewise USA workshop. Over 100 residents attended, and out of that workshop, FireWise of Southwest Colorado was born. Though our name has changed, and we are now Wildfire Adapted Partnership, we are the same grassroots organization dedicated to helping homeowners understand their wildfire risk and what they can do to reduce that risk.

WAP now has 4 County Coordinators assisting 5 counties in SW Colorado providing education and assessments for homeowners. WAP's Neighborhood Ambassador program has over 150 Ambassadors who are the backbone to our organization. They help mobilize their communities to participate in mitigation events and outreach. WAP has many program such as the free Wildfire Risk Site Assessments, Chipper Rebate, Defensible Space Cost Share, and Community Assessments that bring our mission to life.

In 2023, WAP has helped homeowners successfully treat 867 acres and conducted 242 free Wildfire Risk Site Visits. Volunteers spent over 20,000 hours on wildfire mitigation and outreach. We pride ourselves on education and outreach paired with financial assistance to help communities prevent damage to lives and property from wildfire. We work closely with a variety of partners including the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS), United States Forest Service (USFS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Offices of Emergency Management (OEM), and local Fire Protection Districts. We are a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.

Organization Data


Organization name

Wildfire Adapted Partnership

other names

WAP, FireWise of Southwest Colorado

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness & Relief, Education, Environment

Organization Size

Medium Organization


701 Camino Del Rio Suite 306
Durango, CO 81301

Service areas

La Plata County, CO, US

Archuleta County, CO, US

Montezuma County, CO, US

San Juan County, CO, US

Dolores County, CO, US



Social Media