Wild Ones -- Front Range Chapter

A nonprofit organization

$10,846 raised

100% complete

$10,000 Goal

Together, we can heal the Earth right where we live - and inspire others to join us!

Wild Ones Front Range is a volunteer-run chapter of  Wild Ones National that empowers Front Range residents to plant and promote native Coloradoscapes for a climate-resilient future. 

We support everyone who is committed to adding more native plants to their part of the Front Range, from a handful to a yard full. Each native plant that you add provides a landing place, food source, and/or a nesting site for local wildlife. 

Of course, the more native plants there are, the bigger the impact! If your goal is to create a sustainable biodiverse habitat, we suggest incorporating at least 70% native species into your garden. 

Here are some of the ways that we support people transforming their outdoor spaces into native plant habitats (see more under Programs):

  • Increase native plant access by organizing (free!) native Plant Swaps & Seed Swaps.
  • Share Coloradoscaping how-tos through our Toolkit, Events, and Newsletter.
  • Host garden tours to inspire people with Coloradoscaping examples.
  • Encourage community among our members through in-person & online gatherings.

Become a member (if you're not already!) to join our community of native Coloradoscaping enthusiasts

  Join Now!

NOTE:  In the financials section (under Organization Data), Colorado Gives Day requires us to report the figures for the entire Wild Ones National organization. We have added a note to the end of that section to list the (substantially smaller) figures for our local Front Range Chapter.  We rely heavily on Colorado Gives Day donations to support program development and to provide free and/or low-cost events.

100% of donations made through the Colorado Gives Day campaign fund the local Front Range Chapter of Wild Ones!



"In a sea of information about horticulture, Front Range Wild Ones stands out as a valuable resource for Colorado native plant gardeners. I have learned a great deal about harvesting seeds, preparing seeds for planting, identifying plants and the ecological value of promoting native plants through hands-on experiences with Wild Ones.  I have found the leaders and members of the group to be very approachable and generous with their science-based and anecdotal knowledge."    

Sue Parilla, home gardener and Wild Ones Front Range Member


"The Front Range Chapter of the Wild Ones is a resource sorely needed in the West.  Having spent over a decade in public horticulture and working in the landscaping industry, one of the most common reasons that "water-smart" landscapes fail is lack of knowledge and resources for maintaining them.  The Wild Ones organization provides not only a network of committed volunteers and gardeners who are there to help folks with every step of the way, but also a wide range of events and educational opportunities that inspire and educate property owners to sustainably, ecologically, successfully garden with native plants in an ever-drier state."

John Murgel, CSU Extension Specialist and Wild Ones Front Range Member



Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes promotes environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities.

Organization Data


Organization name

Wild Ones -- Front Range Chapter

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Environment, Public & Societal Benefit, Education

Organization Size

Medium Organization


PO BOX 1274

Service areas




Social Media